...ok, so I'm not exactly married yet but in 196 days I will be Mrs. Groeteke! I'm very excited but today I started looking through my checklist by month and started to have a panic attack. Don't you hate when you feel like everything is under control and you have your ducks in a row and then it just hits you-you have a million and one things to do and, in my case, the wedding is only 196 days away! So since I was panic stricken, what did I do? Work on wedding stuff? Of course not! I started a blog!
To explain the name of the blog...Matthew, my FI (that one's for you Kristal) gets mad at me because he'll be in the other room watching tv and I'm in the other room on the computer. So to settle this dispute, I'm getting a laptop!!! It should be coming in the mail next week. Lucky boy, now he won't be able to escape me not even in the Man Cave he's created (my next post will be about the Man Cave so I can attempt to post pictures). Now that we'll be in the same room watching the man channels which consist of hunting, sci-fi or war, I figured I should find something to do on my new laptop and that my friends is how "My Husband's Watching TV..." came about! Happy Blogging!