Wednesday, August 20, 2008
They like me...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Rub dub dub...

My sister, grandma and Sally threw the shower. I love this picture and if you know us at all this totally shows how opposites we are:

We got a Magic Bullet (I was so freakin' excited) and here's a pic of the "trial run" in Matt's words:
For more pics of mine or Ashley's showers or to see what the food looked like then check out Kristal's blog.
Now on a sadder note (and I really don't want to end on a sad note but we need prayers), we just found out that our 4 year old black lab that we got in January has heartworms last Thursday. We take him in tomorrow and Tuesday for his treatment then he has to be on strict bedrest for 30 days. I never really knew much about heartworms until last Thursday and its really kind of scary because even if your dog is on preventative, its like birth control and only 99.9% effective so read up and save your dog!!!
Also, please take a look at our beautiful Shadow and say your prayers for him...he's a part of our family and we love him so much!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
You can call me Betty...
It will come out in about 40 minutes and then I will post the picture of the final product! Matt tasted the batter and thought it was delicious! So I'm excited for him to finally taste it. Almost anything else I make, I mess up because I get distracted and walk away from the stove but after all my experience with the friendship bread, I'm pretty sure this will turn out and Matt will love it!
Ta-da! The bread turned out great! One fell apart when I tried to take it out of the pan but Matt didn't care...half is gone already! I'm going to take the other loaf over to Matt's parents since it was their zucchini. As you can see...we still have one left and Matt's asked me to make more bread this week! You can also see Mattie's fried zucchini there. We had a few pieces tonight and we're going to eat the rest with spaghetti for dinner tomorrow night! I love when we're domestic!