...Happy Turkey Day everyone!!! As I sit in my cozy red chair covered with a quilt my mom made me and my husband snoozes in the bed room, I am reminded of things that I am thankful for. As David Letterman would say, TOP TEN LIST
1. My pretty husband, Mattie who makes me the happiest girl in the world
2. My family who loves me, supports me and tells me when to get over it!
3. My awesome friends who love me for who I am and help me out whenever, where ever-no questions asked
4. My health, remember my post about TB test and a blood test? Well, I got negative on my TB and I got a clean bill of health in the mail yesterday so YAH for good health
5. Work-I may complain but I love the people I work with, the stability it brings, the people I meet and the creative juices it flows
6. MY PUPPIES!!! I love waking up with one of them in my arms, keeping my feet warm and telling me in their puppy way everything will be alright....now if only they would learn to drink from their water bowl and not drool
7. Our house, its not much now but Mattie and I are slowly making it into a home
8. The amazing opportunities I've had in life including but not limited to school (MBA baby!), travel (walk like an Egyptian), different people I've met, hot air ballooning, fairytale wedding, etc...
9. Life lessons-my dad has taught me MANY over the years and every day recently has been a new life lesson, without these we would never understand people, ourselves or the world in general.
10. FOOD!!! OMG! I am thankful for my mom's manicotti, my grandma's mac-n-cheese, Sally's fluffy pototoes, my sister's no-bake cookies, my dad's grilling and anything Mattie makes!!!
So while I was making this list, I decided I would make a top ten list of why I am thankful for my Mattie.
1. He knows how to take care of the yard!!! It's a work in progress but he does a great job with the upkeep and when we get the money, we'll have the best yard on the street!
2. His patience...if anyone knows me, then you know you have to be very patient! For instance when I cooked dinner the other night and the smoke alarm went off three times, he didn't even get upset! LOL...he just took the battery out of it!
3. His delicious cooking! He amazes me because he never follows a recipe but it always taste like something you'd get at a restaurant!
4. He helps me and teaches me. Our hunting weekend was actually a lot of fun because he took the time to teach and explain to me what was going on. He also helps me especially in the kitchen because I tend to not follow directions.
5. He's handy! He installed our attic fan all by himself among other things he fixes and does around here on a daily basis.
6. His great attitude on life. He's so laid back and just has a great attitude, I wish it would rub off on me more!
7. His kindness. The morning we got engaged, we were driving back to the house and someone's car was stuck in the snow. He got out and helped them push-I was in the truck yelling, "Tell them we just got engaged!"
8. I think he'll be a great father. No we're not having kids...yet! But I've seen him around my niece and he's great with her and she loves him (she always asks about him before me!) so I think he'll be great with our own.
9. He's a problem solver!!! Any situation, he always thinks of a clever way to solve it.
10. HE LOVES ME!!! He did ask me to be his wife FOREVER you know!!!
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving but don't eat turkey and drive! The enzymes put you to sleep!!!