...I'm in love! OMG!
So back in November before I was aware of all the Twilight hype, my friend was telling me about this series and I was like oh maybe I'll check it out.
I am totally NOT into vampires, supernatural, anything like that but then it got all hyped up so I thought I'd try it out. I borrowed the books from my stepsister, read the first book in less than a week and fell in love with Edward Cullen. I went to see the movie (missed the first 20 minutes) and I was very disappointed. Bella was NOT at all what I expected but Edward...loved him! Maybe the acting was a little poor too because I did not feel all the emotion I got out of the book. Either way, I'm one to New Moon and around page 60 and very upset! I can't wait to finish the series!
Twilight does become an obsession. When I finished Breaking Dawn, I was almost relieved that I could be a functioning member of society again!
I read Breaking Dawn in one day. I agree with you about the movie. I didn't care for Bella. Now Edward...........
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