Here I thought I had only about 5-10 faithful followers that comment regularly but turns out I have more. So I'm calling all of you out...to all you blog stalkers out there, take a few minutes, leave a comment, say hey and then head over to the other blogs you stalk and leave them some love. It will be a nice boost for us all and give us encouragement to keep blogging.
To the girls in the pic, I love you all and know I'm just busting your chops!!!
I'm actually not a blog stalker - I just came to visit from 20SB. But I agree... It's SO annoying when you can see that there are all these people reading but only a few commenting. Just tell me who you people are!!!!
I don't mind it really, I was just actually surprised to find out that so many people read my blog. I felt so loved!!!
Yes Lyss, I stalk. I have been reading your blog since you started it, and I have at least 20 others that I catch up on on a daily basis. There you have it, my deep dark secret;) Why is it weird that I don't comment? I usually don't even read the comments cause I read it on google reader.
I'm here. Commenting from time to time but not all the time...
I love your blog, your layout is bright and cheery, and your blog title cracks me up!
Here's my way of showing you some love: *jazz hands* :)
Have a good one and keep on blogging!
I totally agree!!! People will ask about the blog or talk about it, but you get nothing on your wall! They all need to come clean..haha
I agree too--sometimes I'll be telling a story and people are like, "I know, I read it on your blog like a week ago." Lol!
I'm a recent stalker! As for the ordination thing I just went online through the Universal Life Church - http://www.themonastery.org/?destination=colorOrdination
You really just have to fill out a form and it's free!
I agree with you, every time I see my blog subscribers go up I get so excited! And so sad when no one comments. And then excited when someone comments out of the blue who I didn't even think read my blog anymore.
Love commenters!
I show you have 28 subscribers in google reader. You go girl!
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