...growing up in small town Cape, well it's actually quite large now, I went to high school at Central High School (go Tigers!!!). The school's color was orange and it actually consumed my entire closet when I was in high school and I think my love for orange began. Look I even got Haley loving orange (okay so I don't think she had a choice but coincidence? I think NOT! We'll call it fate.).
I look fabulous in hunter orange!
My entire wedding was themed around burnt orange and even my dress had orange in it! Now that's some dedication to the color orange, don't you agree?
But my love for orange doesn't stop there...my car is orange, I heart orange Gatorade, I love oranges (the fruit), I have some orange paper sitting on my desk at work now...okay, maybe I'm stretching it but you get the idea, right?
So tell me...what is your signature color?
Mine's maroon. I have a maroon car (Hi, Millie!), I love to wear maroon... It just makes me happy. :)
That is very cool.
My older son's fav color is orange. He just got some orange running shoes which he was pumped about.
Your dress is beautiful! My signature color is definitely pink. I know it's lame and cliche but I love me some pink...any shade!
I am a BIG fan of the burnt orange color right now..your gown is awesome :)
My signature color is turquoise!
What a fun wedding dress! I don't think I had noticed the orange before!
I love your dress! My favorite color is red and I so wanted some red in my wedding dress. Didn't happen for me but I'm glad you worked it into yours.
Cute! I'm loving the dedication :)
My signature color is turqouise! But I've been slowly making a transition to yellow, its so bright and sunny!! (DUH!)
I don't have a signature color, well technically I always do, but it never stays the same. I change it every year or so. What can I say I am fickle. I went to undergrad in Cape....small world. :)
I'm not sure I really have a signature color. I love bright colors, like pink and turquoise. But then I love more dark, albeit "fall" colors like black and burgundy. I can flip flop.
I have to say, I love the dedication to the color orange. In your wedding dress, too? Awesome!
I had no idea! I have been liking orange lately. I have always liked red or blue. Kind of boring right? But I look good in pastels or jewel tones and I can never commit to one thing. I am indecisive.
Hmmm interesting post! I don't know if I have a sig color, I love green and blue but I always seem to wear black to work cause it hides my fat and looks dressy. Nicks sig color is def green!
I'm a fan of anything yellow or anything black. I love the statement they both make!
I love Orange too, but I don't think I own one single thing that's orange.
I am an orange and yellow lady!
Black. Ask anyone. Black and red as the perfect pair.
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