this post? Well, I'm trying to see if I can watch my Sun Chip bag compost. I put it in my garden on May 26 and here's the one month update...
Okay, so I had told you I felt a lot of "No Shadows" in my future, well there have been but there's also been some we've missed if you can't tell. I tried putting apple cores and banana peels inside the bag to help it along but some little doggie sniffed it out and tore the bag open!
I think this would go a little faster if I would put the lawn clippings, cores, peels, etc...on TOP of the bag rather than beside it, in it or on the edges but then I wouldn't be able to document it. You can tell that there's some decomposting going on, in this picture note you can see fading spots where you can almost see through the bag, see the stuff that looks like red, that's where the silver part is going away and that's the red from the front of the bag:
Back to Shadow, on Monday afternoon, I came home from work and put the dogs in the backyard while I got ready for that awful run. I hear a knock at the door and it's the next door neighbor who had watched Shadow get INTO the garden despite the chicken wire. She kept thinking I would come out and get him but after about 5 minutes or so, she came over to tell me. Later that night, Matt was mowing and caught him in the act...uh oh, little Shadie spent the rest of the evening in his cage while sis Emma got to prance around the backyard.
Funny thing, about a week ago Matt noticed something had eaten one of the heads of cabbage and Matt chalked it up to a rabbit slipping in somehow. This past weekend, we noticed how bad Shadow's gas smelt...Monday night Matt put two and two together, we think Shadow had gotten into the garden, ate the head of cabbage thus inducing farts that almost ran us out of the house! Here is a picture of the cabbage still growing, notice the empty spot in the middle, that's what Shadow ate:
Oh! Faith had it right, although some other were close, the mystery item in the "
What I Do for a Living" post was a frozen soccer jersey that I used for a...ready? ICEBREAKER!!! Happy Friday!!!
I can't believe you just said fart. If Shadow loves cabbage I guess you will have to grow more. Maybe if you cook it, it won't stink so bad on its way out!
I've been wondering how long it takes those things to actually decompose. I would have tried this experiment myself, but I don't like Sunchips... :/
I get the idea of the decomposable bag - and I think it's great.
But how annoying is the loudness of the bag when you're eating the SunChips?! It drives me insane!!
Luckily chicken wire has kepy my dogs out of my garden. The occassionally pee on it though.
Yay that I was right! I'm such a good guesser. :)
My Riley Sue get wicked farts when she eats cucumbers...it's nasty!
Have a fantastic weekend!
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