So back on April 1, my friend had a Lia Sophia jewelry party. My friend was really just doing this party as a favor to the girl because she'd given her this sob story (I'm new in town and don't know anyone) and she figured she could at least have her friends over for a girl night. So all of us girls show up and are having a good time chatting and munching on the snacks when we look at the clock, it's 30 minutes past the time and the Lia Sophia consultant hadn't shown up. My friend calls her and the girl FORGOT! Yep, she begged my friend to have this party then FORGOT ABOUT IT! Red flag number one...
So she finally shows up and we get the jewelry part of the party started. Cute jewelry, very pricey. Now let me clarify, I don't wear much jewelry but I LOVE chunky jewelry. Similar to my shoe obsession, I really just like to buy chunky jewelry and shoes but I hardly ever actually wear them. I'm flipping through the catalog and I know that my friend spent money on the food for the party and that if she were to get like ONE free item, she'd need a lot of credit so I decide I'm going to buy this ring. Please excuse my chubby fingers, I never said I was a hand model and yes, my fingers are always this chubby no matter what weight I'm at.
Okay, so I call Lia Sophia myself and tell them what happened. They wanted to give the consultant a chance so they'd follow up with her and then call me in 3-4 days. Give her a chance? She cashed my check two weeks after the show and it's three months later and I got nothing!?! Three-four days go by, nothing. I have to call them back and they need a copy of my order and cashed check. Done....waiting, waiting, waiting, nothing. Then suddenly out of no where, my order arrives in the mail!!!
So if I had to rate this experience on a scale of 1-10, I would give it a 2. The actual consultant a zero but the fact that they didn't question me and gave me my stuff I was happy with. I'm irritated that I had to keep following up with them and they never updated me to let me know what was going on. I wouldn't say the company is bad or ran poorly because I know this all fell back on the consultant who I don't think ever placed the order.
Lucky for me, it fit so I don't have to deal with them any more. Have you ever had an experience like this or have you ever ordered for Lia Sophia?
Sounds like a bad consultant to me.
I just went to another Lia Sophia party on Sunday. I think in the 3 parties I've gone to, I never bought anything - too expensive for me. I'd rather spend money on something else and get cheapo jewelry at NY&Co or someplace.
From the consultant we use, she's fantastic. She's on the ball and definitely gets the orders to you pronto.
I think it was an isolated event.
But I do like that ring!
I don't think I've ever purchased anything from Lia Sophia, but I've only heard good things so I guess you just got a bad consultant. I think it's great the company went ahead and sent it to you!
I have purchased from Lia Sophia from a friend of my mom's and had excellent experience. Blame the consultant not the company.
I have had to return things to Lisa Sophia before b/c they broke or tarnished!!!! Makes me sooo mad
I've never even heard of them..
( clearly I'm under a rock! LOL)
But that consultant does sound shady. I think you can report her to the better business bureau and then just spread the word like crazy not to use her!
Great timing with this post since I'm going to a jewelry party tonight! I really don't plan to buy anything since I'm just about broke, but this makes me a leeeeetle nervous to buy anything anyway!
I'm glad you got your ring finally, but the sucky service, well, sucks!
That is a lousy experience. You'd think that they would want customer satisfaction to be the highest since there is so much competition.
Wow! so crazy! I haven't but my mom has. We have a group we stamp with and one of the ladies daughters was starting up a Pampered Chef business and so they agreed to a party. I think my mom did. So the lady cashed everyones checks and never placed their order! Than the lady we knew had to pay everyone back. Can you say ghetto? Like the ring. Lia Sophia is so overpriced!
I just called the company about a necklace and a pair of earrings. All items had stones that fell out. I cant find the receipt, Possibly got as a gift,who knows. Lifetime guarantee does NOT apply without proof. I told her (the snotty rep)the earrings are still available and I just want an exchange. NOPE will not do it! They have lost a customer permanently.I said I was going to post this on social media and she didn't care.
I feel sorry for the people the "100% Lifetime Guarantee" they purportedly offer. I have purchased a bracelet from them a few years ago and the color changed after wearing it for a few months. I submitted it to them for repair or return along with the five dollar restocking fee that they request. I subsequently received a new one and in less time than I had the first one, the new one changed color as well. Upon contacting Lia Sophia about this, mind you after being disconnected and switched from operator to operator, I reached a consultant and explained my situation. She told me I have to pay another five dollar fee. I told her that I refused to do so because it was less than the original time. She said to me, "What are you NOT understanding? That is our policy and we make no exceptions." Needless to say I was incensed and wrote a scathing letter to the Kiam's. I also had to return another item at the same time that had broken. They wrote back and said that they would make a "one time exception" for me. They will not be missed. Their jewelry was mediocre at best. As mentioned I feel very sorry for those that will be losing their jobs.
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