...so last week,
Katie calls me because she found a mix (I keep wanting to call it apoxy which I know is paint so help me out Katie and leave a comment with that it's called) to make jalapeno jelly. What a good friend...she was willing to help me out with my abundance of jalapeno issue! So we set a date and this past Saturday, I made my way to her house.
The recipe called for 12 ounces of jalapenos which would be about 12 medium size jalapenos. Friday afternoon, I picked about 20 and packed my laundry basket of things to take-seriously, you would have thought I was moving in! Matt looked at he bowl and said we needed more so he picked a couple more handfuls of BABY jalapenos-those suckers were hard to cut.
Anyways, after a little visiting, I broke out the plastic gloves and begin cutting and de-seeding these jalapenos. Katie began the steaming process. FYI-she has the coolest kitchen appliances!
After the steaming was done, we had to puree them with one cup apple cider. Um...let me just tell you now that this uh..did not look appealing and by this point, the entire house smelt of jalapenos and I was having a jalapeno induced asthma attack...that stuff was in my nose, in my throat, I think it even got in my brain!
After a minor incident of some overflowing jalapeno jelly mix and moving it to a bigger bowl, we were finally ready to can!
One jar of jalapeno jelly coming right up!
Ta-da! Part of our finished products! We ended up making six jars in which we split, I took 3 and she kept 3.
I've heard this is pretty good if you serve it with crackers and cream cheese. Of course, Matt put some right on his BLT that we had for lunch. The stuff she had also listed recipes for other jellies and jams you could make so we might get together again and try out some other stuff. So thanks for taking some jalapenos off our hands!
yum sounds delicious!
I've had it and it is AWESOME over cream cheese with crackers!I never knew how to make it though- good tutorial!
oh wow! That is awesome! I've actually never even heard of that :)
Hubs and I love pickled jalepenos. May have to try the jelly. Jalepenos and jelly are just two words that don't sound like they should go together. Lol.
Jalapeno jelly? Is it spicy? What does it taste like?! (Of course, I've never had jalapenos so this might be hard for you to explain to me!) :)
Sounds like a fun afternoon, though!
Agreed - throw it over some cream cheese and serve with crackers. It's an easy dip to take somewhere!
Did Matt like it on his sandwich? Have you tried it yet? I think you should try it with cream cheese and crackers. I've had red pepper jelly that way, and it was really tasty!
I have to agree with everyone else-Put it on some cream cheese, you will be addicted quick!
Cute blog, by the way, love the name of it! Hehe!
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