Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday Tidbits...
*I went to the dentist on Monday and my hygienst is gone!?! Seriously, it was like she'd broken up with me. I was totally bummed. I loved my hygienst because she talked the whole time and made it go fast and I just really clicked with her. Now it's back to dreading the dentist, so so sad...
*Every dentist office I've been to has really happy receptionist, is that a job requirement?
*I'm attempting to run a marathon in 3 days!?! (see post tomorrow)
*I don't work a full week of work (including this week) until the first week of November.
*I'm reading this Jennifer Weiner book, its a collection of short stories. Matt saw it on the nightstand and asked if her last name was really "Weiner" then giggled like a little girl.
*This weekend is the double wedding weekend in which Matt and I are splitting up. He's in our BM's wedding as a groomsman and I'm the DOC for his cousin. What a long, strange trip it's been to both of these's created a lot of excitement, headache, fights and tears between the two of us so I think we'll both be relieved when they are over.
*For those of you who don't know Matt and I personally, we are as opposite as night and day but lately, we've been on the exact same page on a lot of things which is just crazy. Our anniversary is coming up and I told him I wanted to start going to church again. You can read about the Great Debate of our church drama here. Matt told me to find a Methodist church I wanted to visit and we could alternate between that and his church. It's a starting point so I'll take it!
I think that's all for now! Hope everyone had a great September!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
AAA Redeemed Themselves...
Friday afternoon, I decided to call AAA and tell them how frustrated I was. Everyone was really nice as they transferred me around to the right person. When I finally spoke to someone, I explained what happened and emphasized that I had been a member for ELEVEN years (yes people that's pre-2000 and since I was driving, I've been a member from day 1 of age 16, Butchie knows how to take care of me!) and loved the company and never had a complaint with them until this night. I understood it was the policy but when an exact same truck comes out, you can understand where the frustration comes from, right?
So Monday afternoon, I'm getting ready to leave work to head to the dentist and AAA calls me. Without asking any questions, she just informs me that she's going to send me a refund form to complete and I need to send it in with a copy of the receipt. Then she started saying it was because the truck driver confused me. I was like hold up! I don't want to get the driver in trouble because all he did was answer my questions. She made note of that and thanked me for being a loyal member and that the refund was done with the intention that it wouldn't happen like that in the future...ok, got it!
I come home all excited to tell Matt. After I tell him, I'm like so give me the receipt. He gives me this look, yeah he'd just thrown it away. UGH! Men!!! Luckily, it was right on top and we were able to dig it out. So AAA redeemed themselves and we're getting the towing expense back AND Matt didn't have to pay to have the radiator fixed again so it all worked out, it was just a major pain in the butt!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
A Double Mom Date...
It was a REALLY fun night, probably one of the best nights out I've had in a long time! We started with dinner at the Fountain. Okay, you all know that I LOVE this place and rave about it all the time, right? Yeah...well, it was really busy when we got there. My mom and I got there about 15 minutes before we were meeting them because we figured it would be busy, so my mom and I just sat at the bar. Well, we sat there and no one asked if we wanted anything. Finally, we asked this guy, we'll call him Striped Guy (he was wearing stripes), if we could order with him. He said no, he'd find our server and they would take our order. Okay, fine...we get our drinks (a martini and an orange phosphate soda):
Monday, September 27, 2010
I Saved Three Lives!!!
This past Saturday I saved three lives by donating blood! It was my first time in my whole life to donate blood. It had always kind of freaked me out and gave me the eebie jeebies but I've had so much blood drawn lately that I was much calmer about it. Let me start off by saying that the reason I decided to donate was to find out my blood type. Lame, I know, right? But I figure if I needed to know my blood type doesn't it make more sense to have someone benefit from it rather than just having my blood drawn and it going to waste?
Anyways, the most painful part was the prick on my finger to see how my iron level was. Luckily, the donut and chocolate milk I'd had for breakfast helped because iron level was great. The nurse that did everything was super friendly and nice. She told me an interesting fact. My veins were dehydrated so I had to drink a bottle of water so that she could find a vein. Good to know for future visits including blood draws, drink lots of water but not cold water, just room temperature. Cold water makes your veins constrict. Luckily, once she inserted the needle, my blood flowed pretty freely. That's a molar stress ball thingy that I'm squeezing.
Friday, September 24, 2010
If It's Not One Thing...
Last night, Matt goes to lock up the parks and calls me because he pours in radiator fluid and it just comes right out. Awesome...$1600 for nothing! So I call AAA to have it towed and head to get him around 8pm, as I'm driving and on the phone with them, the lady tells me that my plan doesn't cover a 350 because they'd have to get a super duty hauling truck. Really?! Are you kidding me? I mean I guess I never asked but seriously? I head back home then some random number calls me...its Matt from the guy's phone at Autozone because his phone won't turn on. He tells me he's going to call the super duty hauling truck and have it towed to the garage and then I'll have to come get him.
As I'm sitting at home waiting for him, his dad calls saying he saw that Matthew called. Well, yes, because this weekend is the men's retreat for church. They've all been super pumped about it for WEEKS! His dad is on the phone with me trying to work out details which I have no idea, I'm trying not to cry thinking of all the money we're about to spend and just waiting...
UGH! Finally about 10pm, I go to get him. When I get there I see the AAA sticker on the tow truck's bed. I get out and ask him if this is the same truck they'd use for his 350 and any other car. He said yes, grrr!!! We then start discussing AAA, turns out my plan only covers up to a 250 even though it's the same freakin' truck that pulls a 250 or 350!?! I'm going to call AAA tomorrow, not only because of this but because last year when I mailed in my credit card number to renew, it got stolen. I sent it to a FL address and it was stolen and used in FL...Anyways, we're hoping that the garage will reimburse us for the tow since it was less than 24 hours since it had been "fixed" and Matt had only driven the truck to work and home and to work again. We'll see, knowing our lucky...probably not.
I have to work Friday night and the one nice thing about nights is sleeping, not so much for me since I have to take him to work at 6:30 am. I'm debating letting him drive my car to his work then running there to get it before breakfast with Angie and Aimee. It's only 5 miles which is exactly the run I need and this'll make me do it or else, I'll be walking to breakfast and then to work!!!
Seriously though, if its not one thing then it's another, let's not mention that I missed all of Grey's! I also apologize if there are any Fs missing in my post, my F button randomly decides when to work. Have a good weekend...I hope mine is better than my Thursday night!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thoughtless Thursday...
Love ya Emma! You've seen me through so many good times and bad times and never left my side. You're the best pupper doggie in the world!!! (next to Shadow and everyone else's pupper dogs whose are the absolute best too! We'll call it a multi-way tie!). Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fall is Coming and I've Got a Giveway For You!!!
The first is a small (maybe 10 x 10 inch) wall hanging that my momma made, perfect for a not-to-scary Halloween decoration.
Remember three winners and three chances to win!!! Thanks for playing!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday Tidbits...
*Used a new hairdresser on Saturday and I LOVE HER!!! She was fast, personable and I loved my hair when I left. My only complaint is that I left with a bloodshot eye because she got shampoo in my hair-holy crap that hurt!
*Sunday I was supposed to run with Ang, bike with Aimee then run again with my friend Matt B. but the crazy rain, thunder, lightning cancelled all that!
*Matt and I went to dinner last night with Amy and Chris at Trailhead. It was great to get together with them and I have to email her to set up dinner for next month sometime! She's such a sweetheart because she brought me a "happy bag" filled with all sorts of goodies. She's trying to get my hooked on Lush Lip Scrub and from just the smell of it, I think it's going to work! It's great to have good friends like these two.
*I have a lot of people coming to our house for the first time in the next couple weeks which totally stresses me out! I am always comparing our house to other people's and in my mind, ours never measures up...our house is old, not decorated enough, small and I think sometimes it smells funny. It's seriously all I can think about though!!! So if you're one that's coming over, don't be hurt if I make the tour a quick one, ok?
*My mom is coming up this weekend and we're going to see Shrek with Jess and her mom. Best part? Well aside from great company and going to the Fox...we're having dinner at the Fountain!!!
*I finally got Google Analytics connected. It's actually quite funny some of the info it brings up and scary some of the other stuff. Anyways, its been nice because I've gone back through and edited posts to take out my email and stuff like and our last name but it's still coming up in Google search even after I delete it...any idea how to change that?
*Another shout out for help! We have a point and shoot Pentax camera with 8 megapixels. The thing took great pics until Labor Day weekend then all my pics after that have been really grainy. Think I changed a setting or something? If so, what should I check? We got it in December 2007 and it's been through A LOT so it might just be on it's last leg. Some of the other functions on the camera aren't working that great. It'll be interesting to see how they print out. Any help/advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated!
*This week is just crazy busy in general. Period. The End. I love it!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wedding 2/7...
The wedding was about an hour from home, so Matt and I left about 9 because we were both getting up early (as in before 6AM). Well, it took us almost an hour and a half to get home because of the massive storms going on. When we finally made it to 70, everyone had on their flashers and seriously, we were going 20 mph!!! Once the rain cleared up, I'm pretty sure I took a little siesta for about 10 minutes and no, I wasn't the one driving! Here is a view from inside the truck, Matt was like, "Holy crap! I can't see anything. This is insane!" So for him to say it, you know it was bad!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Sunny Day Sunflowers...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Oh How I LUST...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Puppy Post...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A "Come to Jesus" Run...
I started off with Angie and Matt D. (a DM friend) breaking the rules of the Katy Trail and starting at 6am before daylight hours-oops! I hung with Ang and Matt for about the first 1.5 going at an 11:30 pace. As you can tell (it took me 5 hours and 33 minutes to finish), I obviously didn't keep at that pace too long. My foot/leg went numb for just a little bit then it finally went away. I had this issue when I ran last weekend. It might have been numb more during the rest of the run but my whole body was numb so I didn't care.
At the Page Road, I tried out my organic fruit snacks (Honey Stingers) and offered them to Matt and Angie. Matt denied because he wasn't into organic. I quickly informed him that neither was I, I mean I'm the first to grab the Ding Dong out of the box, I was just looking for gels and snacks without caffeine. I then told them both that the fruit snacks weren't what I was expecting, I was thinking it would be more like the fruit snacks in my know dinosaur shaped. Matt said that being healthy should be fun so I might write them a letter informing them that fruit snacks should be made in the shape of running shoes. Side note here: I also tried Hammer Gel and I think that this stuff without caffeine doesn't do much for me. Yeah, it's got sugar but I think my sugar intake is high enough that a couple fruit snacks aren't going to do much for me.
The next running partner that met me was Trent AKA the secondary husband. Poor Trent, when Matt's not available, I am always asking him for rides home, to run races with me or to bring me water. So he was stuck running the next 6.2 with me. Unfortunately, him being at well over 6 ft and me at 5'4, run was more his walk. So he walked with me while I ran and then he'd run ahead and double back to me. We saw Matt D. when he looped back and, of course, he caught us on a walking/snack break...never fails!
Sarah was the next running partner to meet; however, she went to the wrong location. So she ran to me and I was by myself for about 1.5 miles in which I walked the whole time. Once Sarah caught up, she refreshed me with water and we chatted until we met up with Holly.
Holly and Sarah both ran part of the last 3.1 with me. Holly was a good coach, telling me I could only walk for a minute and half and then we had to get back to running. By this point though, my run was really more of a shuffle which was maybe a half second faster than my walk. She also informed me when I was complaining about my body aching, not tired, just that achey feeling that won't go away, that pain is weakness leaving the body. I responded with, "Well I have a LOT of weakness then!"
Once we reached Defiance, we stopped in the bike shop for an Orange Gatorade (always my drink of choice!) and then started the trek back to Weldon Springs where the car was. Seriously, I didn't know if my body had it in me to make it but we eventually got back.
I got home, iced and hydrated and wondered how I'm going to get through the rest of this weekend including the 5k the next day. I wouldn't say that this went fast but it never was slow (except for the 3.1 mile walk back) and I was never bored. I think meeting different people along the way helped out...a lot!
I feel very awesome that I made it, definitely disappointed in the time but I think this was a "Come to Jesus" run. At this point, I HAVE to do the full...for me, there's no turning back. This run told me that it's going to suck and be hard and I'm not going to be able to move but as long as I finish then that's all that matters. OH and I've already made up my mind, I will NEVER do a marathon after this one! And for Sherrie (my awesome running partner whose going to be by my side during the full marathon), my toenails are painted pink right now so I can't tell yet if any have turned black! FYI-Sherrie ran in the Patriot's Run on Saturday and ran 47.75 MILES in 9 hours and 11 minutes, she's a machine people and she's my hero!
So to finish up this note, here's my run in numbers:
0 trash cans along the Katy Trail
0 dead bodies but there was a lot of water along the trail so I might have missed one or two
1 time we thought we saw someone dumping a body
1 turtle that scared the bejeezus of out of me
2 snails...that passed me
1 time I thought Trent was going to jump out of the woods and scare me
2 crop circles I pointed out to Trent
2 times that Trent danced and sang for me (we were together for a LONG TIME)
4 bathrooms on the trail, a port-a-potty on a job site, two trail bathrooms and a fire hydrant
4 times that I squated to pee on the side of the trail
1 time I almost got caught peeing
2 times I wanted to quit
3 times I wanted to cry
5 awesome running partners
19.6 freakin' miles people!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
CHADS Coalition 5k with Runners 4 Luke...
Aimee and her husband, Shine, decided to walk the 5k with us. The girls took the lead while my dad and Shine hung back and discussed taxes or something like that. I could tell by the way he was limping that his leg was bothering him so I kept asking him, "Daddy, are you okay?" He'd grimace and say I'm walking, aren't I? I'd say, "Good because we're too far away from the finish to quit!"
Aimee and I kept walking then we'd stop and wait for the boys. Probably around the 2.5 mile mark, there was a volunteer blaring "Eye of the Tiger" so I turned around and yelled, "Poppa-you're a champ! Come on!" Then I start dancing around like Rocky-not a GREAT idea as I'm still very, very sore from my 20 miler yesterday (so glad I decided to stick with my dad instead of running the 10k like I'd originally signed up for). I'm glad I got out and walked today to stay loose. We finally got to mile 3 and I asked my dad if he wanted to run the last tenth, I could tell he was still limping and he said I should be happy he made it this far! So I let him, Aimee and Shine go ahead of me and I snapped a picture of them crossing the finish line then I hopped across the finish line myself.
He was very proud of himself and I was even prouder. He even mentioned that he might do another one with me sometime! Runners 4 Luke won for the biggest team there with 56 teammates so we were treated to pie and ice cream-definitely my kind of recovery snack!
Here is a pic of the gang that rode with us to the race: Trent, Amber, her puppy Carmella, Jenny and me
My Butchie and me-I love him so much and yes, we look exactly alike! We may have come in dead last but we won a pie!!! Pear cobbler with cranberry streusel. Matt was so happy when we brought it home for him!
Bekah (Luke's sister), Angie (Luke's mom) and me after the raceThanks to everyone who came out to celebrate Luke's 17th birthday with us and for supporting CHADS Coalition. Put it on your calendars for next September!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Labor Day at the Farm...
Splitting wood is a family affair and Shadow makes a great supervisor!
After splitting wood, picking the garden and eating lunch, we did a little bit of fishing. Gummy worms did not help me out this time but Matt got one! His sister and dad did good too.