It was amazing how warm it was on Friday night then while we were sleeping it totally cooled off as the rain came in. I never go out on opening morning, I let Matt enjoy the thrill of the morning without having to worry about me and I don't mind sleeping in and spending the morning chatting with my MIL. Plus it's usually warmed in the afternoon than the morning. I headed out Saturday afternoon, here's Mattie and I (FYI, or in my opinion, warm hunting gear adds 10lbs to the camera):
Sunday morning, Matt came back to the house around 9:30 asking for his dad to come help him track his deer. Every year when we go, I'm always cheering inside me, get a deer! Get a deer! I know how happy it makes him and how disappointed he gets when he doesn't so while I'm excited that the freezer gets filled, I'm more excited that Matt is super happy! They found the deer and came back to the house to get the tractor in which Matt came to find me telling me to put on my orange, I did and walked outside and realized it was just me and him going to get the deer. I was so was an honor!!! When we got to his doe, he was looking for something and I saw beside her petting her. She was so soft. I told her she was pretty and I apologized but let her know that she was going to good use. Then came the gory part and the biology lesson.
We, as a family, spent a good five hours Sunday afternoon cutting the meat and packaging it up. I sliced my finger on the bone...that stuff is sharp! We ended up with an entire cooler and a half and Mattie is going again next weekend so hopefully he'll get another one and we should be set for awhile! I know not everyone is a fan of deer meat but we love to make chili with it and hubs makes the best steaks with them...don't ask me how he does it, he just does!
Of course, what's a farm post without pics of the pups? My Shadie Adie...
Great job Mattie! I'm so very proud of you! Thanks for letting me learn a little more every year. Maybe next year will be my year...
Matt is planning on having the heart for dinner tonight. Me? I'm going to dinner with Amy-thank goodness for blog friends!
Girl, you are a good wife!
ok wow I give you credit... i could not have doen that haha
Glad you didn't show pictures. :)
Sounds like!
Oh gosh! Glad I am rescuing you from the heart tonight! Looking forward to dinner. Carefully studying the menu all morning.
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