It was tough but it definitely kept me on track during camp which is an easy time for me to "let go" because I'm stressed and busy and write off exercise and good food choices without a second thought. I did take a "cheat week" last week so I don't lose my mind but I'm back on track this week and still trying to lose.
Sadly, I did not win the contest but I wasthisclose! During the contest, I lost a total of 26 pounds which is 13% of my body weight. The third place person lost 15%. I may not have won the grand prize but I'll definitely take the loss and be VERY happy with that. I don't know for sure what place I got but I know I was in the top 10 out of like 133 people. I got recognition and a bag of freebie stuff for losing over 10%.
They also had a drawing for door prizes and I was crossing my fingers I wouldn't win the one from my work...which I didn't but I did win the door prize from, basically, my work's competitor! How funny! I got a stadium seat, more cups and 2 Family Day passes to the gym/ I just need a family to take! The main lady running the presentation was HORRIBLE at pronouncing last names. I mean she botched Reid and Tarbox so can you imagine when she got to my super German married last name? Yeah, she kept saying, "Alyssa Grody..." After the second time she publicly called my "Grody" she asked if she was close and I told her absolutely not. By the time I picked up my certificate and she called me "Grody" for the THIRD time, I straight up told her to STOP SAYING THAT! ANYWAYS...would you like a photo comparison?
They're supposed to be emailing us our before pic but in the meantime, here's a pic of me on May 1.
And here's a pic I snapped of my swag and certficate on the last night (July 7):
I am right about at the weight I was when Matt and I started dating and it feels GREAT! Starting August 8, I'm going to start training for a fall half (not sure if I'm going to run one but at least training) and I'm still doing speed training on Thursday nights. So if anyone in the STL area wants to get together for a run...give me a call!
You are a rock star!!
WOW! You look great. I mean really, tha'ts the prize here. So happy for you!
Holy Smokes!! Great job!!
I just have to say that every time I see a picture of you, I'm just like SHE'S SO SKINNY!!! You look SO GOOD, girl. I'm jealous. I wish I had the determination & motivation that you did!
Sis you look AWESOME! I am SO proud of you!!!!
You look great!!
Great job on the loss!!!!
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