Saturday morning, mom and Jo (stepsis) were in the loft looking at quilting books dangling their feet. We'll be making another trip up there tonight to make ugly sweaters and gift tags.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksmas at the Combined Family House...
Saturday morning, mom and Jo (stepsis) were in the loft looking at quilting books dangling their feet. We'll be making another trip up there tonight to make ugly sweaters and gift tags.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday and New Moon Review...
Tonight I went to see New Moon with my mom, my friend Laura and her sister Sarah. Matt was originally supposed to go with me but he was having too much fun with "the boys" (my stepdad, stepbrother and stepbrother's brother-in-law...follow all that???) so my mom took his place. It was definately much better than Twilight but Bella drives me CRAZY!!! Maybe its because in the book, you can tell what she's thinking and feeling but in the movie, she seems so irritated and totally over Edward. It seemed like she was more into Jacob than Edward in this movie. OH! Whenever Jacob took off his shirt, ALL the girls in the movie theater (majority high school age) freaked, ahh...that's seriously what they did every time he took his shirt off!!! Good thing Matt decided not to go.
Definately the books are MUCH MUCH better!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Turkey Day...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Big Girls Day Out...
Then we headed to Baked Goods, which is a paint your own pottery store off Gravois. She had three Christmas ornaments she could decorate however she wanted. She just learned how to make a star and a Christmas tree so that was two down. Then we looked around and decided on a gift for the last one. She wanted to do one side and have me do the other side. So here is my side of the ornaments:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Second Degree Burn and my Old Navy Trip...
I headed back into St. Peters and got my eyebrows waxed and my medicine from my doctor. The doc had called it in and it was the first time I'd been to this pharmacy since I'd gotten married so they asked if I had insurance. I said yes, gave her my new card, etc...then I looked at the prescription "$123." I was like uh...I hope that's not how much it costs or I was going to be cruising the cold/cough aisle and trying to self-medicate (even more than I already had been doing). She told me no that was what it would be without insurance-whew! So I head home to start my dosage and make some lasagna...
I was using two burners, one to boil noodles and one to brown burger. The noodles were done so I put them in a strainer and turned the burner off. I started mixing the cheese mixture and the sauce and not thinking so I went to set a pan down on the burner that was still warm and then my fingers touched it. Ow-chee-wawa!!!! Did it hurt!?! I run my hand under cold water but my right ring finger kept throbbing all day. As of right now, it has a nasty red, blistery welt and my pinkie finger has just a red mark. I finished up the lasagnas and I can't wait to taste them. I tried a new recipe this time. I always make them and freeze them for night's when we don't have time to make dinner.
So five more things that I am thankful for:
1. Emma keeping my feet warm this morning.
2. Being able to put food on the table and try new recipes with that food.
3. Living so close to my sister and niece so that we can coupon together.
4. Shadow giving me big puppy dog kisses.
5. Matt kissing my burnt finger trying to make it feel better.
Venting About DH...
I think you would all agree with me (at least act like you do) that I've been a pretty understanding wife with this whole hunting thing. I've gone and supported him even stayed in stands by myself so he could go hunt on his own. We've driven to and from the farm at least 3 times in two weekends which equals a lot of gas and also no TLC to our home which it is in major need of (think demo-ed bathroom and no bathtub since June, how I long to sit down to shave my legs).
First off, last night he had a friend come over to help him at the house. I knew about this for a week and I thought he was coming over to help with the hall bathroom. About 30 minutes before he got here, I find out that no, they're working on some project to put Matt's tools away in the basement. So for the next 3 hours, the dogs were scared to death as we sat upstairs listening to them pound away on their project. To make it even better, I decided to go to bed a little after 9 (that's my normal bedtime) and their project (framing the wall or something) was directly below the bedroom so lots of pounding and hammering as I'm trying to sleep. I might add that before his friend got here, I was addressing Christmas cards (I know I'm a freak for doing it so early) and Matt was sealing them then throwing them onto the foot stool ususally falling off onto the floor.
Tonight, we're supposed to go pick up a tv for people in Cape (don't even get me started on this story) and its about a 30 minute drive there and 30 minute drive back. Matt tells me he's going to go through this town after work so I ask him if he'll pick it up. He says, yeah if you'll meet me. Well, Matt that defeats the purpose. You'll already be out there, so why am I driving and wasting gas when only one person needs to do it.
I keep telling him he's being selfish lately but not like, "this is all mine and I'm not sharing" selfish, more like only thinking about himself and not about other people selfish, does that make sense? The tv story falls into this category as does the basement project for two reasons, one I'm trying to sleep upstairs and two this project only benefits YOU and we really NEED to get this hall bathroom finished for BOTH of us plus guests that stay over. The other night, he drove out to the farm and I told him to call me when he got there. He called me at 7:30 and said he was almost there. I said, okay, well call me when you get there. Three hours later at 10:30, I finally get ahold of him because I had to call him. Seriously, Matt, you know I'm a worry wart, you know I'm at home thinking you were in a ditch, come on man-THINK!
Anyways, so I just had to get that all out and since it is Thanksgiving and I really do love him, I'm going to leave you with five reasons why I am thankful for Matt:
1. He is handy around the house and like DIY projects (even if they take a long time).
2. He plays dolls with Haley but sshh! I promised not to tell.
3. He thinks I'm pretty and sexy even when I don't.
4. Even though he hates it, he still lets the dogs sleep in bed with us (we need a bigger bed).
5. He makes the best breakfast ever and sometimes he even serves it to me in bed!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Our Christmas Cards...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hunting Trip #2...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
"Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life" Book Review...
So in honor of this book, here is a couple excerpts of what would be included in the Encyclopedia of Alyssa:
Alyssa-that's me, that's my name (see post a couple days back). Since my sister was an only child for 8 years, my parents felt bad when I came along and let her name me (that's my story at least). She named me after her best friend.
Elvis Pretzely-Only the single most, delicious ice cream ever!?! Silky's, the ice cream shop around my corner, offers it...vanilla custard, pretzels, caramel and that hardshell chocolate....mmm...I was upset when they closed for winter without any warning, I tried making it at home but it wasn't the same.
Haunted Houses-I've worked in both a Haunted Hall of Horror and Blood Moon-Haunted Trail. After being on the other side for multiple years, they really don't scare me any more. They remind me of the hard work and creativity that goes into making them.
Ornaments-My mom used to crochet these snowflakes then soak them in sugar water and iron them. They would be stiff as they hung on the tree. When I was younger, I would sneak into the room and suck on them because they tasted sweet. I would always get busted because they would be left brown and withered for someone to find the next morning.
Reading-I recently realized that I love to read but I hate reading at home. Too many distractions, tv, computer, dogs, husband, I like to read anywhere but home.
Rich Church-He is a man that haunts me. In second grade, a big earthquake was predicted for Southeast Missouri and Unsolved Mysteries was doing a special on their show. My family watched it and the story of Rich Church came on. For years, I thought he lived in my basement and I would never go down there at night by myself or if I did I tried to be as fast as I could. I still to this day remember his name. He gives me the heebie jeebies.
Soccer-Believe it or not, soccer was my LIFE from about 3rd game until my senior year of high school. Every spare weekend was spent playing soccer. I played soccer in St. Louis (two hours away) on two prom days, my high school team got 4th in state my sophomore year (I started) the I tore my ACL and meniscus during my senior season. I like to think that set back is what kept me from working out and becoming unmotivated to play but I imagine college would have motivated me to be lazy as it did. I've also coached soccer for 3 year olds to high school girls and I still haven't decided which is easier to coach. Soccer is always a fun-win or lose (although who wouldn't prefer to win), teams equal camaraderie which equals good times.
Star-We had a boxer named Star because she was born in the Lone Star State. I met Matt, his mom's name is Star, Starlet to be exact. My family has to clarify now, Star the dog or Star Matt's mom.
Vowels-I graduated 11/294 from high school. I graduated college Magna Cum Laude. For the life of me, I can't tell you the difference between a long and a short vowel. I FAILED that in first grade, I'm surprised they passed me on to second grade.
So that my friends is kind of how the book is written. It's interesting and it makes you laugh because you thought YOU were the only one who thought that.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Moon Pie Recipe and Candace's Secret...
Alright, so on to Candace's news that she's prego. Here is a picture of us at our sorority sister's wedding in July. Ahhh...aren't we cute! I felt very ANTM in the outfit and I even planned it on my own!!! Totally not old-ladyish if you ask Matt. This is also the wedding where I had a cupcake shoved in my face but that's another story.
I think her husband Chad was pretty excited when I met Matt and we got married because he now had a buddy to escape all the women things we liked to do when we got together for the weekend. One weekend before Matt though, we'd gone out the night before and we were all feeling pretty rough so the next morning so we headed to KFC for lunch...mmm those bowls are delicious! Some lady came in complaining about her chicken from her order two days ago, she was yelling and throwing a big tantrum while we all ate in silence until Chad broke it saying, "Dude, it's f-ing chicken." We all burst into laughter and since then its been our new catchphrase.
So the whole point of this is that Candace is pregnant. So she calls me up on Thursday night and states that she's freaking out. She took a pregnancy test and it has one pink line and half a slight pink line...what's that mean!?! I told her it meant Chad only got her half-pregnant then we went on to giggle and laugh making fun of Chad to take our minds off the p-test staring at her with a half light pink line. She took the test again on Sunday and it turned out positive!!! Never having been pregnant myself, I was super excited to be involved (kinda) in the finding out process.
She's had kind of a tough pregnancy...horrible morning sickness and then to top off feeling yucko with that she finds out she has the swine flu! I'd been trying to call her and she wasn't answering then I got an email from her that said:
"so here I am. stuck in bed because I have the freaking swine flu. And the top headline on the scrolling news thing is 28 pregnant women have died from swine flu. back to sleep."
You have to know Candace and while the first thought that ran through my head was, "Oh no! I hope she and the baby are okay." Then I immediately had to laugh. She's doing much better now and she gets to find out in a couple of weeks if its a boy or a girl!
I just wish we lived closer but oh well, at least I've got a good friend that is just a phone call away and someone to visit in KC!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday Tidbits...
*I started reading "The Encyclopedia of the Oridinary Life." I'm not 100% following the format, it seems kind of like short tidbits and not really a story line but I'm going to keep on keeping on and see what I can make of it. One thing that's cool those is that the author, Amy Rosenthal was on the Bozo Show when she was younger and got to play the Grand Prize Game (I was yelling it out in my head like they do on the show as I typed that) which is flippin' awesome! I always sent in my postcard to be the at-home contestant but I never got picked-boo. What ever happened to Bozo or do I even want to know? Google search for later.
*I am off work tomorrow then I work Saturday, Sunday and Monday then I'm off Tuesday-Sunday. I'm so flippin' excited!!!! No, I don't have anything planned for all that time off except to not be at work!
*On Top Chef last night Eli got eliminated. I didn't really feel one way or the other about him but I'm glad to see that Jenn is doing better; however, I think she's probably going to be the next to go. Kevin pulled another win-go him!!!
*I ordered our Christmas cards from I'm not 100% pleased with them, their website was kind of difficult to use without very much instruction but I had a coupon for 50 free cards so I haven't lost anything. I figure if I get them and I don't like them then I'll buy ones from Wal-Green's or something. I did realize that Matt and I haven't taken any good pictures together in the last year so I had to steal a pic from 2008-oops!
*Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive, I beg to differ.
*I made a huge pot of chili last night. We'll be eating chili for the next 3 days.
I got interrupted writing this post so I lost my train of thought so I'm just going to finish now.
Happy Thursday!
Addition to original post:
*Not happy with ANTM winner, I thought Laura should have. I really think Nicole looked better in photos but I think it was just Laura's personality and Nicole's lack of that made me root for Laura.
*I think I can officially announce the secret that Candace and I had...she's prego!!! Yah!!! It was fun and a privilege to know so early in her pregnancy. I'll post more about it next week but yesterday she got to hear the heartbeat so her Facebook status was 142. I read it scratching my head then I replied with my initiation number for our sorority assuming that was hers but not sure why she posted it. Then another sister did it then another-it was really funny (probably one of those you had to be there) then I finally talked to her and she told me what it meant...the heartbeat was 142!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hi, My Name is Alyssa...
Once, the lady emailed back with Angela on a contract. I politely emailed back saying, "Here are just a few things that need to be changed. 1. My name is Alyssa not Angela." How's that for not beating around the bush?
The second time, I posted on my sorority's website where it clearly states all three of my names (which all together is VERY loooong) and the girl replies back with "Abra..." Wow! Read!!!
With an unusual name like Alyssa (growing up, I was the only Alyssa I knew besides my namesake but nowadays Alyssa is popular with younger kids), I'm used to having my name spelled or pronounced incorrectly but the absolute WORST moment ever would have to be during my wedding ceremony.
There we are standing at the...rock. We didn't get married at a church and we actually stood on a rock. Anyways, gazing lovingly into each other eyes when the pastor (I might add MY pastor from growing up, not related at all to Matt), said something along the lines of, "Matthew and Elizabeth..." Kind of ruined the moment and grossed me out for a minute considering that is Matt's sister's name and I won't go into any further into any more about that. But yeah, it's on tape (err...DVD), I've watched it time and time again. Oh well, the important thing is he got our names right when it came time to get down to business.
I know Meredith is thinking I have no room to talk since I misspelled her name and I am very sorry. But it goes to show that its okay to slip up every now and again, its no big deal but when my name is staring you in the face-come on!
So friends, my name is Alyssa. I'm a non-smoking Pisces, who likes Mexican food and long walks on the beach.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sleep Toward Heaven=Two Thumbs Up...
The book is written from three different ladies' perspectives and you know from the beginning that the three women are all linked together but you don't know how. Right off the bat, you find out how Karen and Celia are linked then towards the middle of the book you figure out how Karen and Franny are linked. I couldn't put the book down because I couldn't figure out how Celia and Franny tied together. You keep reading it until you find out how and then the book goes down that lane of predictable and "that's what I thought." So the book is coming to a close and you're thinking, okay decent book, kind of predictable then you read the last two pages and you're OMG! WHAT!?! Did not see that one coming!!! It was totally out of left field...LOVED IT!!!
Anyways, I would have to say that Celia is my favorite character. Yes, she's dealing with something very difficult that hopefully none of us will ever have to go through but she's funny and she thinks the way we all do but won't admit it and then sometimes, she'll just straight up say what she's thinking. Although she was dealing with a hardship, the author made her character make the reader smile and laugh.
I also liked Karen's point of view, not because I liked her but because it was like reading about an episode of Snapped and those things intrigue me. Franny irritated me because she seemed kind of like woe is me.
The website Curled Up has a great summary but in my own (few) words...
Karen is placed on death row for killing Celia's husband. Franny is a NY doctor whose uncle and only family has passed away. When her uncle passes away, she volunteers to take over his volunteer work at the prision. All three women's paths will cross and make a change in their lives.
Seriously, it's great and an easy read! Let me know if you read it and what you think.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
No Dead Deer Weekend...
So we get to Troy and decide to stop at Wal-Mart. We both took a potty break and as Matt came out, I asked, "Did you get the porksteaks?" His face dropped which I could tell was a no. (He'd planned this big grandious idea of a pork steak dinner for Saturday and he'd bought them the week before but then left town without them). So we grabbed some porksteaks, milk, cough drops, Chapstick and charcoal and were on the road again.
As soon as we get to the house and start to unpack, we realized that the pork steaks weren't the only thing we had forgotten-an extra blanket, long underwear and ice were also left back at home. So Matt started the grill and I took the doggies for a long walk because they would be spending the rest of the weekend in their cages (don't want people shooting at them thinking they are deer especially Emma). Did I mention that I'd started the book after the Wal-Mart trip at Troy?
After a debate of who was hunting where on Friday evening, we all called it a night and went to bed. Saturday morning came very early but since my MIL wasn't coming out until later in the morning, I didn't even get out of bed. I slept for about another hour then at 6:45am, I got up and fed the puppies and continued my book. By 9am, I had finished it (it was great!) and whereas I usually bring way too much stuff to do, I'd only brought that one book and now I was just twiddling my thumbs until Matthew came in to take me hunting. Surprisingly, his sister and brother came in very early but neither had gotten anything.
So after a quick lunch, Matthew and I get all suited up to head out to hunt. This would be a great picture except for the fact that Matthew's eyes are shut.
So we head back in and eat a delicious dinner of pork steaks. Matt grilled them on Friday night and then put them in the crockpot all day Saturday, they just fell off the bone and melted in your mouth-yum! Then we had a heated game of Mexican Dominoes where I didn't win but I did beat Matt!
I've had this nasty cough since Wednesday. It's like I can feel and hear it in my chest but it won't come out! So about 1am, I wake up in a coughing fit where I hit the bed against the nightstand and the tempermental lamp turns on (I'd been trying to turn this light on all weekend and it was not working!) then I couldn't get it turned off. I finally just unplugged it and headed back to sleep or tried to at least...
I never got back into a deep sleep but I was woken to the smell of sausage cooking. Yum! We headed out to hunt again about 5:30am. Matt put me in a stand by myself this time, giving me all kinds of rules and what to do if I shot a deer, I just nodded and got comfy. I only stayed out about 3 hours (headed in about 8:30am), but I was getting wet, wasn't seeing anything and was ready to call it a day. Matt would've stayed out in the rain hunting but no one else was hunting, I desperately wanted a shower and I'd already read the Reader's Digest on the coffee table 4 times!?! So he finally agreed and we headed home about 1pm, I'm now home and I'm warm and showered and I guess I'm ready to start the week. My deer season has ended for this year because I have to work next weekend but at least I've got one under my belt!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Love My Werner...
Side note, when I got out of my car at Hacienda, I looked over and saw Jess' dad (see Slumber Party post end of September). I think I surprised him when he got out of his car but it was good to see him.
Remember when I posted about the drawing and the list for this weekend? Here is what my lovely husband left for me. Let me describe it to the right is me standing on a tree branch saying something to the deer (there is profanity) then to the left is a big buck that is saying help and is scared (look at the opposite end of the deer). Boys and their imaginations!!!
Well, I'm signing out for hunting weekend. Wish me luck that we fill the freezer!
Thursday Tidbits...
*Just read that my new fave show Trauma is getting sad, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Boo hoo!
*My friend Stevie that I went to dinner with last night, sliced off part of the tip of her finger when she dropped a wine glass. Her fake nails saved it from being sliced all the way off-eeww gross!
*Matt made me a nice drawing for this weekend. I'll try to take a pic and post it later. It's of me shooting a deer along with the list of things I need to do tonight before we leave tomorrow.
*I'm really excited about dinner tonight with Werner! It's been over 2 years since I've seen her and the bits and pieces from her engagement sound so sweet...I'll try to take a pic tonight and post her engagement story tomorrow.
*Last night, Shadow was sleeping in the bedroom and Emma and I were in the living room. Suddenly we heard this Chewbacca noise and looked at each other, we went down the hallway to find Shadow stretching and groaning-it was hilarious!
*Top Chef has very dirty commentary! Geez Louise-its a cooking show! Glad Robin is gone now...go Kevin!
That's my Thursday tidbits!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Dinner Party...
Anyways, after dinner, we magically turned the dining area into the living room (took down the card table and chairs-classy, huh?) and visited for awhile. We were listening to the music station on tv and you could text in messages to be put on the screen. Ben texted something and we waited over an hour to see if it came up (it never did) but one of the text said, "Love you glad we're having a baby together" Whoa! As soon as I read that, I was like, umm...not us!!!
Anyways, I'm off work today and it's almost 10am and I'm still in my PJs. I'm going to head to Michael's and the Dollar Store and then meet a friend for dinner at 6pm and that is ALL the plans I have today!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Weekend Update...
Pic of us in the woods (love self timer):
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Craft Show: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Anyways, the craft show is at Child of God High School in St. Peters, MO from 9-3 today. It is off Salt Lick Road. Stop by and see me if you're in the area and tell your friends about it too.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Our New Tree...It's Just Not the Same...
Here is a picture of Matt planting our first Christmas tree in our front yard March 15 of this year.
My Poor PBJ Sandwich...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This is a tri-fold that is about the width of a piece of paper. I'm going to fill it with a drawing pad, crayons, stickers, etc...and give to Haley for Christmas. I thought this would be a good thing to take to church.
This is a pic of all my purchases. If you spent over $31 then you could buy the white bag for $5!!! I'm debating whether to keep it for myself and add it on to a Christmas present for someone. The brown bag (sorry I didn't take it out of the package but I had taken it in and out like 5 times at work to show people and it was really hard to get it back in there!) is for my sister with her initials embroidered in hot pink.
Then here is the white polka dot bag up close and personal. It has lots of little side pockets to put things in but it's not super tall.
They had so much other stuff I could have bought but I had to restrain myself. After the party, I had one of their catalogs and I was showing my sister and Haley saw it. She grabbed my arm, "Lyssa, wouldn't it be crazy if one of those bags had an H on it???" It was pretty funny!!! Anyways, you should go check out their website for all sorts of bags. I thought of Kristal when I saw the diaper bags that they had. Enjoy browsing if you jump over there.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mom's Part of the Craft Show...
Monday, November 2, 2009
So What About This Craft Show???
So the Craft Show is this Saturday, November 7 from 9-3 at Child of God High School at 650 Salt Lick Road in St. Peters, MO. If you're in the area or have friends in the area, tell them to stop by and visit us!
I've been hard at work making fabric gift tags and note cards (below are note cards):
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandmas!!!
Then on Sunday it was Grandma Holyfield's birthday! Two great women shared a birthday weekend! Here is a pic of my Grandma H at our wedding.
Happy birthday Grandmas!