We also have tomatoes growing, both regular and baby size. The regular sized ones aren't quite ready to be picked, you can see them through the cage but we've been eating the cherry ones faster than we get to the house from the garden. Like the bowl? I made it!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Hot Stuff...
We also have tomatoes growing, both regular and baby size. The regular sized ones aren't quite ready to be picked, you can see them through the cage but we've been eating the cherry ones faster than we get to the house from the garden. Like the bowl? I made it!!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Back Where I Come From...
The next day, Butch, Sally (stepmom) and I went to church then we met my sister, Haley and my grandma for lunch at Port Cape-OMG!!! They had this amazing buffet of friend chicken, kettle beef, pulled pork, chicken-in-dumplings. mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, corn, bread and it was all HOMEMADE (as in we know for a fact that they cooked the kettle beef overnight)!!! And it was only $10 for an adult on the buffet!!! Anyways, poppa was happy because he was with his girls and getting some good eats.
We headed back to the house to visit before we got on the road and I snapped this picture of Papa and Haley (yes, I look exactly like my dad, I hear it all the time!):
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Tourist in my Own City...
After dinner, we walked down to her neighbors' gelato/coffee/smoothie cafe for after dinner drinks. The owners seemed like the sweetest couple! Amy, please let me know what the name of their place is so others can go visit them too.
On the walk back, this guy stopped us at the corner asking if we'd "just" give him our credit card or banking information so we could "save the children" in Africa because here in the US $236 will buy two pairs of shoes whereas in Africa it'll feed a whole village...I want to know what kind of shoes he's buying!!! I get bent out of shape if my shoes cost over $30!!! But sure random stranger on the corner of the street, here's my credit card info-NOT!!! Oh, he also through in that he only gets paid based off how many people sign up and he'd been out there for five hours and no one had signed up. I wanted to tell him he should look for a new job because I'm pretty sure you're working for a scam! ANYWAYS....moving on in the evening....
After that, Amy gave me the tour of the building she lives in which, get this-has a top of the building patio area!!! You can see all of downtown-it was so cool!!! If I lived there, I would totally be laying out there with a good book in hand every day.
I was so mad at myself because I was seeing all of this super cool stuff and, of course, I'd left my camera at home! So Amy let me borrow her camera and then she emailed me the pictures which were in my inbox before I got home-thank you so much!!!
Here is the view from her rooftop. See the building with the green roof? Remember Master the Met? That's the building with all 42 flights of stairs-that I climbed up!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sun Chip Bag Project: Update #1...
Okay, so I had told you I felt a lot of "No Shadows" in my future, well there have been but there's also been some we've missed if you can't tell. I tried putting apple cores and banana peels inside the bag to help it along but some little doggie sniffed it out and tore the bag open!
Funny thing, about a week ago Matt noticed something had eaten one of the heads of cabbage and Matt chalked it up to a rabbit slipping in somehow. This past weekend, we noticed how bad Shadow's gas smelt...Monday night Matt put two and two together, we think Shadow had gotten into the garden, ate the head of cabbage thus inducing farts that almost ran us out of the house! Here is a picture of the cabbage still growing, notice the empty spot in the middle, that's what Shadow ate:
Oh! Faith had it right, although some other were close, the mystery item in the "What I Do for a Living" post was a frozen soccer jersey that I used for a...ready? ICEBREAKER!!! Happy Friday!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Our Own Sitcom...
*Last Wednesday I go to pack my lunch with the leftovers from the night before. When I packaged them, I had told Matt that I was going to take them for my lunch so DO NOT EAT!!! Yes, I have to stake claim on food items at my house or they disappear before I have a chance to think about them, I even have my own cabinet with my "secret" foods that Matt cannot touch i.e. peanut butter, 100 calorie packs, popcorn, you get the idea, right? So I open the fridge to put the container in my lunch box and what do I see? Oh I see the container alright, with three peas in it...that's it...all the rest is gone, he's left me THREE FREAKIN' PEAS!?! I call him and calmly explain, "If I were going to put the leftovers in my lunch, why would I be upset?" Giving him a chance to admit what he'd done but NO! He wants to fight me!?! He DENIES that he ate it...come on Mattie, it's you, me and our two dogs who don't have thumbs so I find it a little hard to believe that one of them got in the fridge and ate it (yes, he's blamed things like this before on Shadow...poor Shadie!). *Three hours pass, Matt comes home, I'm asleep and he wakes me up, "Babe...babe...I remember what happened to the leftovers?" Me, rubbing my eyes waking up, "What..." Matt, "I ate them..." and goes into long explanation. DUH! I knew you ate them you just wouldn't fess up and you had to stall for three hours to think of an excuse-ugh!!! Do you totally not see Doug from "King of Queens" in a similar situation?
*We have our kitchen table, all of my stuff goes on the right and all of Matt's stuff goes on the left. It's this unspoken habit we've started, whenever mail comes for one of us, it goes to our respective side. He leaves the house after me and parks by the mailbox so if something needs to be mailed, it goes on his side and he's *supposed* to put it in the mailbox. Typically what happens is I have to say, "Matt, I am putting this envelope with a stamp on it and our return address and it needs to go in the mailbox, you know that black thing on a post at the end of the driveway about 3 feet from your truck? Yes, in there...can you handle that?" Then usually it sits there for about 2-3 days and then I have to get all naggy about it until it gets mailed. If its something important, I usually take it with me and mail it at the post office. I have this weird thing about leaving unsent mail in the mailbox overnight. Anyways, do you guys see a Ray situation here?
So anyways, next time you watch either of those shows, just picture Matt and I in their places because that's typically what a night is like at the Groeteke household. So tell me, what sitcom describes your house?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Kandy Shepherd...
I didn't mention in the original post by Maddy, the main character in the book, is a chef and mentions a few new recipes she is trying. Well, on Kandy's blog, she has references from the book and list the recipes so you can make them at home! I also love that her books are centered around dogs because we all know what a dog lover I am.
Anyways, in her comment she wrote that she has a new book coming out on July 6 titled "Home is Where the Bark Is." This book will be about Maddy's best friend Serena who opens a doggy daycare where she is followed by PI Nick. It sounds like a good book and based on the first one, I'm pretty excited to read it too!
So this just goes to prove that you never know who is out there reading your blog...maybe even one of your favorite authors! Thanks for commenting Kandy, you made my day!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Some Inspiration I Am...
...and the big breakdown that I knew was coming. WARNING: This post is not sugar coated!!! Coming off a HORRIBLE weekend and a bad Monday (a Monday I chose to start a diet making it even worst), I had the WORST idea ever (next to the October Running Adventure I haven't announced yet-who am I kidding? There is no way I will ever be able to do that, tonight was just the wake-up call that I needed), I thought I'd go join the Monday night running group at the new running store in town. After I realized I was standing in a pool of shirtless males who could probably run a full marathon in the time it took me to complete a half, I should have turned around and walked out but stupid me knew that I needed to get my miles in so what the hell, right?
More like WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING??? Within 2 minutes, see ya they were all gone, now really, what's the point of a running group if I'm going to be running solo, I could have done this on my own time in neighborhood I was familiar with instead I was left alone in an unfamiliar neighborhood with a map in my sweaty hand and a water bottle in the other. At first, still being naive and optimistic I thought I could do this on my own, after about a half a mile and I STILL hadn't found the first turn, I could feel the doubt rising and that lump in my throat, you know that lump when you know the waterworks are about to arrive but you're trying to keep them away? Yeah, that one. So I finally said screw it and turned around to head back mad at myself for not getting my miles, mad at myself for not sticking to what I know and even more mad at myself for thinking that I'm a real "runner"...who am I kidding, I'm one of those poser kids, you know the one that wears dark lipstick and trenchcoats but at home I listen to N'SYNC (okay that's really dating me but you get the idea), anyways, I'm not a runner, I'm just a runner wannabe.
I finally make it back and stick my head in the store to tell the guy I was back so they wouldn't worry about the only girl in the group and what happened to her, I didn't want them watching the news or looking in creeks for my dead body. I said I'm back and thanks (thanks for nothing but I had no one to blame but myself). He said, "Oh too hot out there?" I just turned and left knowing he was thinking, yep, big girl couldn't take the heat.
Do you ever just have times where no matter what, everything goes wrong? That's the period that I'm in currently, I can't win for losing and I knew this breakdown was coming with a few weeks into my busy time, family stuff, running stuff, weight-loss stuff, the whole gauntlet of everything.
So I hope the sobbing I did on the car ride home burned some calories. I'm going to go back to my 1pm running dates with Ellen and treadmill #15. Maybe I should just stick to 5Ks...
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Annual Haley Visit...
Wednesday was wacky and the theme was Luau. Here she is dressed for the occasion. I sent this picture to my sister and she was very impressed by the pigtails.
Friday, June 18, 2010
What I Do for a Living...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
And the Winner Is...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
"Love is a Four-Legged Word" Book Review...
Summary: Maddy's landlord passes away and Maddy had promised to take care of his dog, Brutus. Tom, big shot lawyer, comes in to tell Maddy that Walter has left his millions of dollars to Brutus (AKA Maddy since she's the legal owner). Of course, Walter's greedy little nephew comes in to threaten Maddy and Brutus and Tom swoops in to the rescue.
Of course, this is very predictable as you can only imagine what happens with Tom and Maddy's relationship. It wasn't quite the page turner that "Match Me If You Can" was but it was still a good, fun, easy read.
Up next, my very first Jennifer Weiner book!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Rest of Our KC Trip...
At lunch on Saturday, Colin puked all over his mom's Cubs' shirt she was wearing-right then I knew this kid and I were going to get along. Then when Matt's cousins sat down for lunch, I pointed to Candace and Colin and without thinking said, "This is my friend Colin..." Candace and I gave each other a weird look and started busting up laughing. The rest of the weekend we joked about my friend Colin and his lame parents that had to tag along. Isn't he a handsome little devil?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Starlet!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
And Now a Thank You to You...
So now it's my turn to thank you! I'm doing a giveaway inspired by your comments and my blister! What?! Yes, because after this past weekend, I'm treating my yucky runner's feet to a pedicure so in honor of my running feet I'm giving away items to treat your feet.
Here's what's included:
1. Cute canvas bag (to hold all your feet goodies!)
2. Foot lotion (feel free to find someone to rub that on your feet-Matt did a lot of feet rubbing for me over the last 12 weeks!)
3. Fingernail polish!!! (can't leave those toesy nakey!)
4. Pedicure tools (maybe hubby shouldn't use this unless he knows what he's doing...)
5. Pink flip-flops (to show off those cute toes!)
I'll leave this open until Tuesday, June 15 at midnight and then I'll announce the winners next Thursday.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
My Fans and Fellow Runners...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hubs and the Half...
This is where we busted Henry (in yellow) with his McDonald's coffee and he ratted Matt out. Can you believe those two were enjoying some Mickey D's breakfast while we were running 13.1 miles?!?
Sherrie and I got to see the boys probably at least 5-6 times during the course which was great, not only for the water, but to see a familiar face and while I wouldn't tell Sherrie how tough it was or how tired I was, whenever I'd see Matt I'd tell him, "I'm so tired and there's so much further to go..." He would nod and tell me I could do it and how proud he was of me. It was just the perfect encouragement I needed.
At the last water station, our husbands met us, I took the water from Matt and grabbed his hand and told him how tired I was and how much my body hurt. He encouraged me to keep on going and finish strong. The lady at the water station really liked that because when I grabbed some water from her, she looked at my bib for my name and said, "Now Alyssa, that was just too cute!"
This is post race and if you can't tell, he's basically holding me up. I was so tired, my legs hurt, my back hurt, I could barely walk yet I was so afraid of sitting down because I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to get up.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Half in Pictures...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hospital Hill Half Marathon...
I was up at 4am eating my breakfast and trying not to freak out. Matt asked me a million times if I had everything and then we finally got on the road. I guess I was expecting more people to be freaking out like me so when we didn't see any other cars/people, I REALLY started stressing!!! We finally saw barricades and figured we must be in the right spot so we parked and started walking towards the race. I looked at Matt and in a shaky voice told him, "I don't want to do this anymore. I think I'm going to cry." Matt looked at me like I was insane and told me it wasn't option of NOT doing it, I WAS doing it.
After repeatedly telling Matt to look for Sherrie in pink, pigtails and a black Nike hat, we found each other. Start counting because I'm going to repeat this many times-thank GOD for Sherrie! No way could I have done this without her!!! After a quick pottie break, we found our way to the 2:50 pace group and the race soon started.
We just started running and the 2:50 was a little slow and before we knew it we were with the 2:40 pace team. We stayed with them all the way through at least the halfway mark. They were AWESOME!!!
Our husbands, Matt and Henry, did a great job finding us multiple times on the course and giving us extra water. At one point, Sherrie saw Henry and said, "Did you get a coffee?" Henry nodded and said, "And a sausage biscuit and Matt got a sausage burrito." Uh-oh Matt-busted! We'll discuss that later after the race...
About mile 8 though, I was hurting, my right hip hurt, my whole right side just hurt...I was hitting my wall. We fell behind at that point from the 2:40 group but kept on truckin'. Sherrie did a great job giving me tips and asking how I was feeling. Right before this, I was suddenly SO thirsty! I didn't see a water station OR our husbands anywhere in sight and I was desperately needing agua like STAT! We FINALLY got to a water station and Sherrie told me to take two cups, I did that for the rest of the water stations and it was a HUGE help. We also ran into Greg, the American flag carrying ultra marathoner, who was very supportive as well and tried giving me a few tips to help stretch out the hip.
We walked a lot of the last couple miles because I just wanted to finish and was so tired. One older lady kept walking and passing us and chatting, she was super cute and told us that she'd just completed her 85th marathon!?! What an awesome accomplishment!
Right before mile 13, the 2:50 pace group caught us so we started running. When I saw the finally turn, I looked at Sherrie and told her, "Okay, I'm ready if you are...," she agreed and we took off!!! With about a tenth of a mile left, I was so overwhelmed and could feel the tears coming on because I was about to finish my FIRST HALF MARATHON!!! As I was concentrating on the finish line, I suddenly saw a couple florescent signs being held by my awesome friends who'd come to cheer me on. I gave them a big smile and that smile got even bigger as I crossed the finish line! I guess it was just meant for me to start the day wanting to cry and ending it on the same note but for totally opposite reasons.
So there you have it folks, I did it, I finished my first half marathon. I pushed myself to my limits and did something I didn't think I ever could. This is something that I'll be talking about for months to come because it feels awesome and not too many people can say that they've ran 13.1 miles at one time!!!
Going into the race, I was so nervous, anxious and even a little intimidated but the more I ran, I realized that running is for everyone. You have people out there of all shapes, sizes, ages, backgrounds, reasons for running so there's really nothing to be intimidated about. Everyone is there with the same goal in mind to finish their race and to do it the best they can.
I'll finish with a thank you. Thank you to all my friends out there...you're faith, encouragement and support are what got me here today. And Sherrie-I know I told you like a million times but there's NO way I could have done this today without you. You are amazing and words cannot truly express how much I appreciate you staying by my side today. THANK YOU!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Gearing Up for the Half...
Since March 15, I've done 66 workouts, ran/walked 246.98 miles and devoted over 41 hours of working out. Wow, when I actually type it out like that, it doesn't look like that much so hopefully its enough to get me through the race tomorrow. I've had some awesome runs that left me with the biggest runner's high and I've had some really horrible runs that have left me feeling lost and defeated. Tomorrow is the day I find out how I'll do.
Can I be honest and not get any, "oh you'll be fine" or "you're crazy!" comments? Want to know what my biggest fear is tomorrow? My first goal is 1. to finish and my second goal is to finish under 3 hours. I haven't VERBALLY (or written) this out but based on my long distance runs outside, I've been averaging about 12.30 minute miles which would put me around 2.45ish. My biggest fear is that I have that number in the back of my head and if I don't hit it, I'm going to be disappointed in myself. Yes, I will be able to say I finished a half marathon but I'm so scared that I'm going to let myself down. I, of course, always worry that I'm going to let everyone else down too but I know you guys, my family and friends will be proud of me for finishing so now my biggest fear is me. I'm afraid that I'm going to finish a half marathon and be disappointed because I didn't run it in the time that I "should."
I've been getting ready all week...packing my race day bag (kind of like your pregnancy bag for the hospital except mine has clean shorts and a t-shirt, flip flops and deodorant), confirming plans with everyone, reading the race website daily, planning my meals carefully (I already have a banana and oatmeal laid out for breakfast on Saturday), deciding on drinks and medicine to keep me hydrated (like only water after Wednesday and no more prednisone-sorry I live on this stuff now that it's "officially" poison season), making sure I have at least four ponytail holders for the pigtails and extra if they break, my AGD visor which totally won't match the rest of my outfit (ugh that pink and red clash...in my opinion at least), and the list goes on.
I'm getting really excited for this! I'm going to get to meet some of my Daily Mile friends, and most importantly, I'm going to prove to myself and everyone else that I can do it. I'm also a little sad that it's near because, it's like your wedding day, you work so hard and dedicate so much time and then in a blink of an eye it'll be done. I've been talking about this for almost three months now so I've got to decide what I want to do next (I have an idea but I'm not going to commit until the end of July/beginning of August so you'll just have to stay tuned in to find out what!!!).
To sign off, I want to thank each and every one of you (even the blog stalkers) for your kind words, support, encouragement and for dealing with me blabbing about this silly thing for three months now. The next time you hear from me, I will hopefully be able to say, "I've ran a half marathon" and the crazy thing is I have never in my entire life wanted nor thought that I could do this and in less than 24 hours, we'll find out!
In case you're interested or you're bored on Saturday morning, I thought I'd share this with you:
"NEW in 2010, we will broadcast the Hospital Hill Run start/finish line LIVE on our website. If you have a friend or a family member who is unable to attend the race, tell him or her to visit the Hospital Hill Run site on race day. He or she can watch the start and finish of every race, LIVE! There is no fee to watch. The website is www.hospitalhillrun.com"
Wish me luck!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
"Match Me If You Can" Book Review...
"This book is a fun, easy read. There is not a lot of substance but it brings a smile to my face. Every time I read it I enjoy it more and more. To me, that's a sign of a great book!"
So first off thank you Chelsea for hosting the book swap and thank you Rachel for sending me "Match Me If You Can" by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
I picked up this book quite a few times from February-May to start it but could never really get into it. Then this past Memorial Day weekend, I sat down to start and finish this book.
A quick review in my words, Annabelle is the family screw up and trying to start a matchmaking business. She scores a high profile client who is already signed with Annabelle's biggest competition. The book goes through all the mishaps, close calls and, of course, the love in the process. I must say it is pretty predictable but I still LOVED IT!
It is kind of slow moving at first but wow! The middle part of the book was great! I couldn't put it down, I'd say to myself, "I'll read to the end of this chapter," and then BAM! SURPRISE! and I'd HAVE to keep reading. This is what kept me up until after midnight!!! There is also a sub-plot in the book that I found equally as interesting. As I stated above, the book is predictable but I would definitely recommend it for a fun easy read.
Thanks Chelsea and Rachel!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What's Growing in my Pantry???
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My Day with My Boys...
Then on Monday, I spent the day with my two favorite boys...my husband and my dad! Matt and I spent the morning tidy up for Butchie. First, we made some sun tea on the front porch.
Here's Matt throwing (please ignore my finger on the right side, it was really bright out and I couldn't see the screen plus I had frisbees in my hands too!)
I love when my parents come visit but I also always feel bad because usually they just end up taking us out to eat and maybe some shopping so it felt good to feed Butchie this time and do something fun and active! I'm glad he was able to come visit...hubs and I really need to make a trip to Cape-its been too long!
Hope you all had a great Memorial Day!