My world was shattered and we decided not to do anything right away. We needed time to prepare, mentally, financially and physically. We decided at the end of 2010, we would start fertility treatments. The whole process was a huge roller coast with a late Lupron bleed, a Menopur mishap, an overfull bladder and a slip down the stairs that resulted in a BFN and Aunt Flo arriving on Christmas Day.
I needed a break and Matt supported that. We still had three totsicles waiting to be transferred but I knew I needed to focus on my health, lose some weight and get in a better place mentally before we transferred again. In August 2011, we started our FET cycle which resulted in a BFP and my beautiful baby girl being born May 2012.
I was lucky enough to get to know one of the fellows at my clinic, who is now a doctor there! Dr. Kenan Omurtag kept me calm during some VERY stressful moments in our journey and dealt with my million and one crazy questions during my fertility treatments and pregnancy. He is seriously the best!
I had amazing support from our family, friends and the online community. I ran a local infertility conference in November 2011 to help women in my community know that they aren't alone. Infertility sucks and support makes all the difference so please let me know how I can support you!
I documented our entire infertility journey at my other blog: Crossing My Fingers But Not My Legs. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have regarding our story or if you just need to talk to someone whose been there and done that.