Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Frozen on Ice...

...This past Sunday, a co-worker scored us some awesome group seats to Frozen on Ice. We were three rows from the ice!!!

She was so excited and I was just as excited to get out of traffic because it was a nuthouse!!!

Sven was awesome, except his hiney kept getting in the way so we totally missed the Anna and Kristoff kiss :-/

Here's some of the performance...

OMG-she was singing and talking the whole time, well in between her Dippin' Dots!

He's just a bit of a fixer upper, Kristhoff was so cute!

I mean seriously, we were THIS CLOSE!!! And Elsa totally kept reminding me of Itz Linz.

Final Let It Go...

Mind blown-the entire Disney cast!

To top off the day, we went to her favorite "chicken and fries" place for dinner AKA Raising Cane's.

AR really enjoys the Disney on Ice shows but OMG, the parking is crazy and the people are insanity! Parents yelling and cussing at each other, shoving anyone and everyone that it makes me question if it's worth it for next year but then I look back at her smile and yeah, it is.

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