Saturday, March 14, 2015

I Don't Know About You But I'm Feeling 32!!!

...Yesterday I turned the big 3-2. Funny thing, I've been thinking I was 32 since New Year's! After working eleven, very stressful, days in a row, I took the day off and did absolutely nothing and it was glorious! When I was pregnant with AR, Matt made it very clear that birthdays are just like any other day and are not to be made a big deal of. I take that philosophy with our birthdays but of course, not AR's!
The day started with donuts and kisses and some one on one with AR. After breakfast, I dropped her off at the sitter's and came back home.

I spent the rest of the day writing and watching the Real World (nothing like watching twenty-year-olds get wasted to make you feel old). Then we all went to Red Robin for dinner because I had a free burger. AR was so sweet! She just kept telling me "happy birthday" or randomly singing to me and giving me lots of kisses. Both her and Matt gave me birthday cards and an Amazon gift card.

Although we were all stuffed after dinner, we hit up Silky's for an Elvis Pretzely. Then we all climbed in bed together and cuddled up to watch Grey's Anatomy. Of course, Matt and AR spent most of the show giggling and wrestling so not much watching got done and when it did, it consisted of AR asking five hundred questions. "What are they at the hopital?" "Why is she crying?" Why are they laughing?" "How did they hurt their knee?" Oh well, either way, I had a great time with the family!

So now I'm 32 and my birthday is over. As AR told me all day yesterday, "Mommy, today is your birthday. Then Daddy's, then Granddad's, then Sha Sha's then MINE!" So let the birthday party season start!!!