Thursday, December 16, 2010

Leftovers & Apple Juice...

...I love my husband, I really do but if eats my leftovers one more time I'm going to SCREAM!!! This is a rant. You would think my poor husband isn't fed but I mean look at him, does he LOOK like he's starving???

After we lived together for awhile, I realized that if I wanted something and didn't want to eat/drink it right away then I was going to have to hide it. So I found a great hiding spot and then he found it. So then I started telling him, "Hey, I'm planning on having those leftovers for lunch tomorrow." That worked...for awhile. The other night I came home with leftovers and told him, don't eat the leftovers in the fridge, I'm going to eat them for dinner tomorrow. I come home and pull over my leftovers, hmm...I thought there was two pieces of chicken. I call Matt at work, make some small talk and then ask him about the leftovers. His response, "I might have had a bite or two." UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ATE HALF OF THE SANDWICH!!! Sigh...moral, if I don't eat it right away, I don't get it for later.

I won those Lucky Charms last week, remember? I was so pumped because I was taking it easy around the house last week so cereal was an easy snack, lunch, dinner, breakfast. I get up Friday morning and go to make some cereal. No Lucky Charms, hmm...okay, well, there's Trix. Wait-check the fridge, no milk! Really???

I rarely EVER drink anything other than water, mainly because I don't want the calories and partly because it would never last long in the fridge. I've been drinking two-three 32 ounce cups of water the past couple weeks (doctor's order) and people that's A LOT of water and I can only stand so much water. The doc had told me I could drink juice too. I asked Matt to pick up some apple juice for me. He forgot. I got some the next day. Friday night I went to bed knowing I had just enough for a cup left. I get up Saturday morning, go to get my cup of juice-GONE! Grrr...he bought me more later Saturday, I drank one glass on Sunday and there was maybe 1/4 of it left on Tuesday. Seriously?

I'm at my wits end. I just want ONE little thing that I know will be there when I want to eat/drink it. Come on Mattie!!! Just give leave me my apple juice, you get your Powerades and I don't steal them from you??? I love you pretty but keep your paws off my leftovers and apple juice!


Julie said...

Keith does the same thing and I am soo annoyed with it. He literally eats us out of our house. As for drinks, I usually always have tea and lemonade made and he'll drink them but put the empty thing back in the fridge so I can find it and fill it. He tries to say it wasn't him but its like dude, if I didn't drink it and there's no one else here but you then you're guilty. It was somewhat worse before we lived together because then he had my apt and the condo to root around for food. Now that we've been together for awhile, he's only got one but finds enough, ha!

Jillian said...

oh my goodness you are too funny!

Sarah said...

So yeah, I totally hid some food in the fridge this morning for fear that Andy would eat it. So irritating! Then he doesn't eat the leftovers I specifically put together for him to take for lunch.

Adie said...

Yeah that would be TOTALLY frustrating. We need to find you a lock box tupperware.

Mary said...

I admit I'm the culprit when it comes to food. Just yesterday Jason was looking for his last granola bar, the one I had polished off five minutes prior. Oops.