Monday, February 2, 2009

The Last Lecture... Randy Pausch. It was nation-wide coverage this past summer that I breezed over not really looking too into the article about Professor Randy Pausch and his infamous "Last Lecture." Then Matt's teacher assigned them to watch this lecture for extra credit and know what the head fakes were. We sat down to watch it together this afternoon and wow! The whole series was based on top professors thinking about what was really important and what their final lecture would be. Randy Pausch was asked to join the series to find out that this really was his last lecture and that he had terminal cancer.

It was an awesome lecture about living out your childhood dreams and while some of it touched on his area of education, it all tied into living a good life and doing what you wanted to do. It's a little over an hour long but well, well worth it. Maybe this is what I needed to get out of my funk right now...

1 comment :

Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

I loved watching the video when it first came out also really enjoyed the book. It's an easy read if you have a chance to pick it up!