Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Trip to Florida...

...well, I'm home from Florida! It was a wonderful, glorious break from the crazy, hectic pace that I've been keeping up at home. This trip was much different than the last time I went to visit my mom. Different for many reasons, 1. Matt didn't go and 2. I am pregnant so I couldn't do as much stuff (we'd planned on going to Sea World but after one day of returning items and shopping at home, I knew I'd never survive a full day there). The weather was much warmer than last time so I spent most of my mornings sitting by the pool enjoying the warmth of the sun and reading and most of the evenings eating and visiting with my mom and her friends. We did get out and do a few things like go to the movies, drive all over Florida and shop!

Here are the highlights of the trip:

I saw a real life alligator in the "wild." Here he is chilling with a turtle on the bank across from the dock we were at:
We drove across this crazy bridge around Sarasota. I won't lie, it was kind of freaking me out because it was soooo high!
The last day I was there, we found a public beach that was COVERED in seashells...most of which were in tact! Here's my mom searching for shells:
A starfish on the beach that I made my mom throw back in the water because I wouldn't touch it but I thought it belonged there:
Did I mention we shopped? My mom bought me a pair of maternity pants and some tops but MOST of the things we bought were baby clothes on sale. Here's an "I heart daddy" outfit for a girl:
The cutest little sock/shoes!

We can't forget outfits that include mommy too!
Um yeah, we shopped...A LOT!
It was great to get away from the hussle and bussle but then today it was already back at it! 


Julie said...

That bridge reminds me of the one in Cape. Glad you had a good vacay!

Slamdunk said...

Well that looks like a productive visit; especially with the little person clothing.

Maybe next time you'll get a photo of you wrestling the alligator.

Anonymous said...

That bridge looks scary!!

I love, love, love shopping for baby clothes! They're so tiny and cute! ha!

Adie said...

Fun shopping! From the pictures here and on FB looks like you had a great trip. I got a little starry eyed reading about the warm sun and sitting by the pool! I bet you really got to re-charge!

Angie said...

Awesome shopping deals! Last time I was in Florida I was dying to see an alligator - never did see one. Really want to take a swamp tour or something.

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