Saturday, May 15, 2010

Drenched to the Bone...

...yes, notice the post time...7:11 AM! Yep, I'm home from my 8 mile run and already blogging about it at 7:11 AM on a Saturday morning!!! I was supposed to do this run yesterday but when I got up around 6ish it was pouring rain so I decided to sit it out and put it off until today. Being the person that I am, I beat myself up all day about this because it cleared up later in the morning and I could have totally got it in before I headed to work at 1pm but I decided to be lazy and lounge around the house.

Those of you that are my friend on FB (the know all of real friendships, right? Totally joking!), saw that I posted something along those lines on Daily Mile which in turn links to FB. So my Daily Mile friend, Patrick (and he's kinda cute too!), totally called me out saying if it wasn't lightning or thundering I'd better get out there. So when the alarm went off at 5am this morning Matt to get to work, I was up, shoes laced and out the door!

The best part of this run? Mattie joined me for the first mile! He wasn't very happy about it being that he's told me on more than one occasion to not talk to him before his coffee but he went my pace yet pushed me and when he left me to turn around, he said, "You can do it babe! I know you." How's that for some motivation at 5:20 in the morning?

So I truck on after he leaves me and its kind of funny the things that go through my head as I run...trying to do math and figure out my pace, thinking about the rest of my day (Scholastic warehouse sale with momma!!!), thinking about the outfit I bought for the race (I'll post about that later), running over the creek and glancing for dead bodies (yes, I watch too much Law & Order), staring at the cow that dresses up for holidays and shaking my head (again, another post for another time), stubbing my toe and wondering if I fell and chipped my tooth what would I do (good thing White Castle is along my route and they're open 24 hours), wondering if Matt left the door unlocked like he was supposed to-he's been known to lock me out of the house while I'm out running (I had my I-Touch so I would have emailed my dad to call Matt-how's that for technology, huh???), busting out one line to a song because they pump me up (That's what you get for waking up in Vegas!), and those are just a few of the thoughts that raced through my mind...

Around mile 6, I could feel the storm blowing in...major temperature drop and sprinkles of rain that turned into fat, steady rain drops. My I-Touch started being all weird...I hope it's okay, I love that thing! I took it out of its case when I got home to let it dry out...cross your fingers that it's okay! Around 7.5, Super Freak came on, if only for a second, and I kicked it into high gear finishing very strong.

Good thing Silky's isn't open at 5am or I would have totally had to stop for an Elvis Pretzely. Did I mention that the 2 mile and then 6 mile mark is Silky's? How convenient, right?

I'm am SO glad I got up, yes even at 5am, to get this done now I can enjoy the rest of my weekend and I don't have to think about running again until Monday (7 miles...this week is going to be killer). I also feel 10x better about Hospital Hill which is only 21 days away. I finished the 8 today within pace and I didn't feel like I was dying PLUS I think when I'm actually running the race and have Sherrie beside me to push me and keep me at pace, I think I'll do a lot better. When I'm on my own sometimes I think I get caught up in La La Land and slow down without realizing it. Think of me this week as I'll be running 7 miles twice this week, 4 miles one day, 3.1 another and 9.5 next weekend!

Okay, I'm still in my wet running clothes and FREEZING so I'm off to take a shower and warm up. Hope everyone has a great, dry weekend!


Christy Duffy said...

You rock! What en encouragement to me. So glad it went well, and I hope your iTouch is okay.

Amy said...

Wow! You go! You are doing so well! Inspires me to get series about running again. Hope the iTouch is alright! :)

Stephany said...

Inspiring! How great!

Oh, and I would cry if anything happened to my iTouch. Mine is my favorite thing ever.

Jen at And Hattie Makes Three said...

Way to go! You just officially made me feel guilty for my shake and cheese fries from Steak 'n Shake...haha

Kyla @ The Simpsons said...

Oh mg gosh... 5 am?!!!?? Ahhhh! Go girl, that's awesome :) :)

Jacklyn said...

SO impressed! Way to go. I'm just like you. I'd much rather get the run out of the way early and then have the whole rest of the day where I don't have to think about it :)

Holly Renee said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! I am nowhere near that motivated. I would laugh my butt off to see someone running with a pretzel in hand. Good for you for pushing yourself!

from C to C said...

Awesome!!! way to work the run into your busy schedule on Saturday even with the rain so you could enjoy your rest day on Sunday!! You're going to rock your runs this week and keep up the good work!!!