Friday, May 21, 2010

Family Friday...

...this past Tuesday, Matt and I grilled up porksteaks & chicken and took them over to Jeff and Josie's house. Their family has been coordinating people taking them dinner since they just had the twins PLUS the two older boys! Josie had a mother-daughter thing to go to so when we arrived, Jeff answered the door with both the girls and the two boys running around going crazy. I could tell he was waiting for me to take one so I took Miss Sophie who was wide awake and checking everything out. Let me tell you, it was kind of difficult to get plates, forks, cups out while holding a baby and trying to feed a family! Since it was nice out and the boys had already eaten, we decided to eat outside so that the boys could run around while we ate dinner.

Here is the one and only shot I got of the entire night, like I said babies, boys (both little and big) are a handful! This is oldest brother Cody with little sis Sophie:

I was definitely impressed with Jeff's skills as he took care of both the babies and the boys, he's got the whole double feeding thing down. Matt and I watched the girls and did the dishes while Jeff put the boys, well attempted to put the boys to bed. I think it was a little harder since we were there and they were showing off a little bit.

Matt did a decent job as well. He played tball with the boys while Jeff fed the girls and I cleaned up dinner. We were each holding a baby while Jeff read the boys a bedtime story and when Miss Sophie got a little squirmy and fussy, he kept shooting me "Help!" looks. When I asked if she was wet, he shrugged as though he didn't have a clue...I think he did, he just didn't want to change her diaper!

So anyways, the girls are officially one month old and still as cute as can be. It was fun to visit with their whole family, just missed momma Josie. I hope they enjoyed dinner and they've got PLENTY of leftovers!!! Have a great weekend everyone!


Slamdunk said...

Having twins and an older kiddo, this was our family at dinner time a year or so ago. I quickly learned how to be productive with one arm--while the other was holding someone.

Christy Duffy said...

I love reading stories about families with twins. I have a twin sister and these stories make me appreciate my mom so much more! My dad was a pilot and gone for days at a time - I don't know how Mom did it on her own.

So thankful you were able to help and enjoy your friends! Dinner sounds yummy!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

AWWWW, look at that little baby!! so precious. I have a feeling Kelsey will be like that when our baby comes...he's never changed a diaper in his life (nor have i!)

Kyla @ The Simpsons said...

Aw, twins!!!! I have literally been obsessed with twins for forever! My grandma was a twin, and I've always said I want to have twins or no babies at all! haha.

Holly Renee said...

Twins would be so much work. I can't handle my nephews sometimes and they are all spaced out. I just can't even imagine. How cool though. Sounds like you guys tackled the work well!!