Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Important Documents...

...the mail came the other day and it turns out that my driver's license expires in March. Thank goodness because I look like a major stoner in my current photo. I'm sure this picture will look much better being probably 7-8 months pregnant when I get this picture taken. Anyways, I read through the requirements and it says I need my birth certificate. I know the last time I needed it was when we got married and I thought for sure I'd kept it. I mentioned it to Matt and he said he didn't have it. Hmm...I emailed my dad and sure enough, he still has it!
I guess now that I'm almost 30 and about to have a child of my own, it is probably time that I keep of my own birth certificate. Unless I can talk him into keeping Baby G's too...Hmm, now there's an idea!


Julie said...

Up until i got married I was the same way. Dad kept everything for me because he had it in the safe. But now I have it in my fire proof box and I have a safe just haven't gone and set it up yet. Sometimes I don't like have to switch to adult mode

Ruby said...

Yes, it’s absolutely time you keep your own birth certificate! And keep it somewhere safe along with the baby G’s birth certificate and other important documents such as social security cards, passports, insurance papers, etc. Also, remember to back them up with a soft copy for security. Ruby @ WilliamsDataManagement.com

Amalie Martinsen said...

Taking your Vehicle Driving Test can be a nerve-wracking experience. Here are a few tips to help you ace the test and get your license.