Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name...

...I have to say I absolutely adore personalized books! When I saw The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name come across my Facebook feed, I knew I had to get one for AR and add it to her collection. The book is from LostMyName. As a family, the three of us sat down to read the book. It starts off with a little girl who lost her name and is on a journey to find it. This isn't your generic throw in your name here and there personalized book. No, the entire thing was geared around her! For example, on the first page, she met an Aardvark who tells him that he has an extra A so she can have one. Then the rest of the story goes out to meet characters that start with letters of her name, each of them giving her their letter and spelling out her name in the end.

AR loved the illustrations and continued to flip through the book even after we were done reading it. She wasn't familiar with some of the characters so I had to explain what a unicorn was which led to a whole discussion of horses vs unicorns. I would definitely recommend this for anyone looking to get a personalized book, perfect birthday present!

Seriously, this girl loved it!!!

I turned around and she was flipping pages on her own.

And I love that she recognizes her name!

*I received this book at no charge in exchange for my honest opinion.

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