Monday, October 17, 2011

A Burning Bush Story...

...last Thursday, I totally had a burning bush story happen. I had a dentist appointment at 1pm. I went to the bathroom when I got there and when I was done with my appointment, I kind of had to pee again (that's what happens when you have free refills with your lunch!). I decided I could wait until I got home. On the way home, I realized that I had to have my TB test checked. I started debating whether to stop at home to pee or just see if I could go at the doctor's office. I decided to stop at home. Of course, I got sidetracked and started checking my email and all that stuff that easily distracts you. I finally headed out.

As I turned onto the main, busy street, I saw this old chocolate lab (lots of gray in his muzzle). I kept driving then I stop at the stop sign and thought, I've never seen that dog before. I pulled over and got out of the car. I walked towards him and started calling, "Here puppy! Come here!" The dog trotted right up to me and was a wet mess, someone had been swimming! I grabbed his collar and called the number. The lady was so appreciative and said her husband was on his way. The guy was a LONG way from home to and on a VERY busy street. Chance, the dog and I sat on the curb waiting. He was the SWEETEST dog! Didn't try to pull away, sat when I said sit...almost in my lap! The husband came and thanked me and loaded Chance into his truck and left.

So see, total burning bush. I had three different places to go to the bathroom but I was lead to go home so that I could get Chance home safely. Happy Monday!


Julie said...

Yay for the doggie :)

Slamdunk said...

Nicely done.

I am sure your new friend was happy with your potty choice.

Liz said...

Love this story! There's a reason for everything. :)

Stephany said...

That is such an awesome story, Alyssa! Love it. Way to go on being a good Samaritan! :)