Monday, April 23, 2012

Breastfeeding Class Recap...

...last Thursday, Matt and I attended the Breastfeeding Class at MO Bap. I have to say I was less than impressed with the class but I'm glad we took it. It made me realize I have a little bit of an idea what I'm getting into plus it covered some other topics more in-depth i.e. mastitis, thrush, freezing milk, etc...On to the recap...
Things That Increase Success:
*Skin to skin for 2 hours after birth
*Room in while at hospital
*No pacifiers or bottles for 3-4 weeks
*No water for six months, limited for 6-12 months
*No formula
Random other notes:
*Try to breastfeed for at least 6 months
*Our goal is to BF for minimum 3 months (while I'm on maternity leave); long-term goal 6-12 months
*Mature breast milk comes in day 3-5
*Hunger cues: there are physical hunger cues that come long before crying, crying is the last cue
*Positions: cradlehold (best when they're older because no head strength), football hold, laying down, cross cradle hold
*When feeding, mom and baby should be tummy to tummy
*Strongly suggest upright feeding at night, if you are not bedsharing, so you don't fall asleep
*Use a pillow or Boppy so you're not hunched over, bring baby to breast
*Signs baby is getting enough to eat: 5-6 wet diapers/day and 3+ poop diapers first month & baby is gaining weight
*The more you BF, the more milk you'll make
*Newborns eat 8-12 times in 24 hours or every 2-3 hours; plan on 30-45 minutes per feeding (but each baby is different)
*Alternate which breast you start with
*Growth spurts last 2-4 days and baby will eat more; usually happen 7-14 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 5-6 months
*Good idea to do a feeding/diaper change log (check Iphone apps, tons out there)
*You can introduce a bottle at 4 weeks but only one-two times a week
*Break suction with a clean finger
*BFing should NOT be painful
Issues with BFing
*Sore Nipples
-Little bit sore is okay, extreme pain is not okay
-Use water only to clean breasts, soap will dry out the nipples
-Put breast milk on nipple to keep it moisturized
-Cabbage leaf in bra will relieve pain but do NOT use the stem, that will stop production (Matt leaned over to tell me that they had just planted some cabbage at the nursery so we'd have plenty)
-Use lanolin to protect nipples in shower
-Begin feeding on least sore side
-Deep crack in nipples might want to have baby checked for tongue tie
*Plugged Duct
-Not draining completely & become inflamed
-Feels like sunflower or popcorn kernals
-Lump and sore
-Massage breast downward, warm compresses and no underwire in bra
-Infection in the breast
-Red area or streaks of red, warm to touch, mom has flu-like symptoms
-Continue feeding frequently
-Rest, continuous warm heat
-Call OB for antibiotics
-Doesn't pass to baby
-Safe to keep BFing
-Yeast infection in breast
-Passed between mom and baby; both must be treated so call both OB and peditrician
-Can be difficult to get rid of
-Be on alert of thrush if on antibiotics for mastitis
-Ask doctor for probiotics
-Baby has it if white spots in mouth and can cause diaper rash because yeast gets into the gas track and comes out that way
-Be sensitive to caffeine and large ocean fish/sushi (mercury is the concern)
-Avoid feeding less than 2 hours after having ONE alcohol drink
-Medicine that's okay during pregnancy is okay during BFing plus you can now take ibuprofen

Other notes:
*You can start pumping at 4 weeks
*If you're going back to work and need to build up a supply, pump an extra feeding (prob AM) add it halfway between feedings
*Store at room tempature for 4 hours, in fridge for one week, freezer at zero degrees for 6 months, deep freeze at -4 degrees for 12 months
*At 9-10 weeks try to get baby on feeding schedule that they will be following when you go back to work
*Ask sitter to track what time and how much the baby eats
*Unthaw by running frozen milk under warm tap water, only good for 2 hours, discard any leftovers
*Store in 2-4 ounces, label and date
*Takes 12-24 hours to thaw in fridge and must use within 24 hours
*Don't store in door of fridge/freezer
*Never thaw and refreeze
*Use lanolin on nipple during pumping
*More milk usually in the AM
*Common to get more from one breast than the other
*If you go back to work and are still wanting to feed from the breast, try to BF before/after work, at night and on the weekends
*If you miss 3 feedings then you should pump 3 times
*If using a double pump, it will probably take about 10-15 minutes to pump a full feeding
*Use high speed on pump until milk lets down then turn to a slower speed
So that's all my notes from the class. I also got a nice resource book to. I took these notes for me knowing that I would be going back to work and have to pump. I know this isn't how everyone plans to feed but I still think it's good info.


Slamdunk said...

The Mrs. had more success bf the first kiddo. Her body could not keep pace with the twins and she had to use formula before she want to. The pump did make her sore, but it was worth it.

You take good notes.

Liz said...

We covered most of this in our newborn class though you probably went more in depth, especially with the storage notes. Very helpful!

Meredith said...

Personally, I think that the whole 'if you're doing it right, it doesn't hurt' line is a complete load of crap.

BFing hurt, for awhile. Period. Most moms I know will say the same thing. Just my two cents!

Angie said...

Several of my friends have used BF bracelets to help remind them which breast they used last and which one should be used first the next time. It really helps if your husband buys you a really pretty bracelet ;)