Friday, June 8, 2012

Three Weeks... little AR is three weeks old today! This week has really flown by and it's been a tiring week for mom. Sunday we took AR on her first stroller ride. Let me tell you, Baby Girl was THRILLED as in she fell asleep before we got out of the driveway.
When we got home (we little walked around the block, that was it), she started acting a little fussy and seemed warm. We took her temp with the armpit thermometer from the hospital and it was 99.2. Later that night, we gave her a bath and took her temp again-same. Both times though she had been in warm situations so we watched her closely and took her temp again Monday morning, same. I called the doctor's office and I had to take her tempature rectally...oye! Guess I'd have to do it sometime, right? It was right on at 98.6. Nurse and I talked about things and we got off the phone.

Of course, I thought AR didn't feel well so all day Monday, I basically let her sleep in my arms. I burnt dinner and I cried all day to my sister. Luckily, Matt fixed us eggs and the dogs got a nice treat of burnt deer steak. Unfortunately, Little Girl, was up...ALL NIGHT! Again, Matt helped me out despite having to be at work at 7am which was a blessing for a little bit of sleep.

Tuesday my niece came over and we got back in the groove. I think it's just a growth spurt but it was like I just started to figure things out and then it totally changed but I guess that's what being a parent is all about, right? Seems like she's awake most of the morning then sleeps in the afternoon and dozes early evening off and on until bed time.

Everyone keeps telling me she's growing so much. Maybe because I'm with her every day so I can't tell as much but I know that the newborn diapers we had were a little snug but now the ones seem HUGE! Newborn clothes are too tight, 0-3 are too big but the Gerber onesies that her dad got her seem to fit just perfect after we washed them.

How's Mom doing? For the most part, really well! Matt went on that first walk with us and went too fast for me so my knee popped. Monday I hobbled all around the house but I didn't let it hold me back. I've gone on a walk every day with Emma this week. I don't necessarily feel like I'm "working out" but it sure is nice to get out and get moving especially get some fresh air. Luckily, it's not too humid yet so the weather is pretty nice even though it's in the 90-100s. I feel totally out of shape and wondering how I'm going to run a half in October but even if I have to walk it, I'm going to do it!

Now let's talk about bowel movements. This is something I hadn't thought of while pregnant but once I gave birth and the nurses starting talking about it, I started to FEAR this. It hasn't been too bad, every couple days I have a movement. Last week, I took a stool softener to which was a HORRIBLE idea. I guess I didn't need that much was bad and hurt. So I didn't take another one than this past week, I had a movement and I'm pretty sure it might have been a hemorroid. I don't know for sure, I didn't look but my butt hurt so bad. It felt like when I was about to push so I was wondering if I was about to have another baby!?! I used witch hazel pads-no help. I searched the house for Preparation H which I swore I'd gotten as a shower gift, couldn't find it. I laid down to sleep but the ache wouldn't let me fall asleep. Sorry it's TMI but it's the down and dirty of post-pregnancy.

Pumping is going well too. I pump about 2-3 times/day after feeding her and get about 4-5 ounces which we freeze all together for when I go back to work. Seems like I can get about 3 oz after her first feeding in the morning (guess she's not as hungry?) and I'm SUPER leaky then I only get about an ounce or so when I pump in the afternoon. It's just hard to pump in the AM because she's usually wide awake and I'm alone so I have to keep her close and the pump close so I can take care of her and pay attention to that. I felt like I was getting a lot but when I think about it, if I keep pumping the same amount every day until I go back to work, that'll only be enough milk for 2-2.5 weeks and that's if we use ALL of it just for that. I'm hoping to pump some for a couple nights out here and there before I go back to work.

I've only gone out to run errands twice without her and then I usually feed her then leave immediately to run errands for about an hour and then get back home so no one has to feed her while I'm gone. Matt has suggested I pump one feeding so he can feed her at 11 or 12 and I can sleep but my thought is while I'm home and not working, I don't mind getting up with her so he can sleep since he's working. I'm also wondering when to pump a full, extra feeding so I'll ask when we go to the doc in a few weeks so hopefully that'll give me some more milk to freeze for future use.

So there you have it, how AR and I are doing at 3 weeks! I also saw this pin on Pinterest so I got the camera out (I'm surprised I haven't taken way more photos!) and started documenting my sweet baby girl's little ears, nose, eyes while she's still little!


Angie said...

Precious pics!! Sorry about your butt :(

Unknown said...

My butt issues kicked in about a few weeks after having the boys & I wasn't sure what it was either. To be truthfull my hubby looked for me & then took a picture so I could see lol. I used the creams (the pads didn't work too well although you can put one in the underwear & that will help a bit) but I used to sit on my nursing pillow a lot. Almost like a donut :D

I used to cry when the time came for nighttime...I hated nights. I wanted sleep & the most I would get is about 2 to 2 1/2 hours but not together. It was so rough. These definitely are the days to cry but I promise this will get better & then there will be other things to worry about.

If you find her being up more closer to nighttime try not to let her sleep so much that close to bedtime. I don't know how many people with one baby try to do a schedule but that worked the best for us. The boys never got mixed up about day/night which I heard lots of other babies having that issue.