Friday, March 11, 2011

Wings in the City...

...this week I've been in downtown STL for our annual state conference. On Wednesday, we had a nice long almost three hour break between the morning and afternoon sessions. My co-workers and I took a walk around downtown (another post for next week). That morning when we arrived, we noticed these butterflies being unloaded:
I didn't think too much of it since we were close to the Sculpture Park. Then Angie found this article about Wings in the City. Local artists made these 5 feet tall fiberglass butterflies. They are all around STL. They're going to auction them off and all proceeds will go to BJC’s Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care.
What a great program and NOW something fun to do in the city-I'll be on a hunt for all 54!!!
OH! FYI-my birthday is Sunday and I have NO idea what we're doing. I told Matt if it was remotely warm, I just wanted to go on a bike ride. So cross your fingers for warm weather!


Adie said...

Hoping for warm weather on your birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day! Those are pretty awesome!

Stephany said...

I hope you have the happiest of birthdays on Sunday, Alyssa! I'll be praying for warm weather for you!

Slamdunk said...

I hope you have a great birthday and that you get that bike ride.

from C to C said...

That is really neat, i just thought they were an art in the park exhibit!! Super cool!