Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cotton Babies... I've always heard of Cotton Babies but I just assumed they were an online store. Much to my surprise, Sarah told me last week that they are based out of St. Louis and then Aimee told me that they will actually fit you for a nursing bra. Tuesday was my last planned full week day off until Baby G arrives (exciting and scary at the same time!) so I figured I'd go check out the store. Well, Monday night was our last baby class and the teacher told us that they sold breast pumps at cost!?!

Tuesday morning I headed to the store and didn't see much of a breast pump selection and then my eyes turned and I saw the exact one I'd wanted down to the carrying case (I wanted the backpack). I tried to contain my excitement and asked the sales lady how much it was $75 CHEAPER than what Target and Babies-R-Us were asking.
She then helped me find a good nursing bra and I went to try them on (Lordy, let's not even talk about what size I had to get!). While in the dressing room, I pulled out my phone to figure how much the pump would cost at the other places with the additional 20% off coupon you get towards the end of the registry and it was STILL about $10 cheaper than the plain old price at Cotton Babies.
When I walked out, I asked if they always had the pumps in stock and she said no. They keep your name on a list and when they arrive they call you but they don't specifically order them for you. I had to make a split second decision and I went for it-I bought my breast pump!!!
So what was supposed to be a trip to the store to "check things out" turned into an expensive, yet inexpensive trip and since I spent so much money, I got this free linen/cotton swaddle blanket with goldfish:

I definitely plan on going back to get another bra after Baby G arrives and I want to possibly check out one of their breast feeding classes if time allows it. The next 6.5 weeks are going to fly by!!!

Happy birthday to the best Grandpa ever! We still miss you but think of you often. Odd...his name was Cotton and this post is about Cotton Babies!


Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with Cotton Babies and I have that same pump! :)

There is a store closer to you, called Babymoon, that offers similar benefits as Cotton Babies. They have lactation counselors on staff, have a weekly breastfeeding support group, and I think they offer breastfeeding classes. I know Cotton Babies is quite a haul for you, so Babymoon may be a better option.

Also, that muslin swaddling blanket you got - those are the most amazing saddling blankets ever, especially for a summer baby. They blow those stupid flannel ones out of the water. That particular brand is super expensive, but if you get on amazon and google "muslin baby blanket" you'll find some much cheaper ones. :)

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of Cotton Babies...sounds like I am missing out on something wonderful!
Amazing deal on the pumps...that is crazy!
love love those fish!

Slamdunk said...

Ha, I have nothing remotely intelligent to say about your product recommendation, so happy birthday to your grandpa!

And, baseball season opens (for the most part) next week, I am interested to see how your Cardinals will do this year.

Julie said...

I know the technology person for Cotton Babies, she's currently dating Keith's best friend. She doesn't boast about the company much but I know other people who have used it and like it.

Krystie said...

I'm soooo jealous you got your pump cheaper. That's the exact model I want, and I can't find it for less then $300. We registered for it
( HA! Like someone is gonna buy us THAT) I checked out cotton babies online when we were debating the cloth diaper, and just went back to see if I could find the deal on the pump, but I guess they don't sell that particular one on the web. Bummer :( Congrats on your baby score and yay for checking more things off the list!

Meredith said...

That's awesome! In retrospect, I totally wish we would have shelled out a little more for a pump!

Mrs. Fabulous said...

Awesome story of your deals! I had the exact same pump and it worked SO well-- used it for both boys. It stood the test of time! I used points from my Amex to buy mine but I agree they are usually very expensive!!
Have fun getting ready for Baby!! :)

Liz said...

The founder of Cotton Babies was a keynote speaker at the conference I attended over the weekend. Looks like I need to check them out!