Friday, October 8, 2010

Baby Liam Going Green...

...our friends, Kevin and Stephanie welcomed their son Liam James to the world three weeks ago. Little Liam did NOT want to come out! Mom had to be induced and he STILL wouldn't come out so she had a C-section. Once they started the C-section, he STILL wouldn't come out. He was snuggled in nice and warm but he finally decided to come out. Here's the happy family: Daddy Kevin, Baby Liam and Momma StephanieI love his nursery! They didn't find out the sex of the baby so they went with a nice neutral color. Kevin and his sister painted all this in one day. Being an AGD, of course, I love the squirrels!
Last Wednesday, I got to go visit the new family and I took them some homemade baby wipes. Super easy, super affordable (only two ingredients plus water!), super green! I decorated the container.
I put this quote on the back of the container and the thing off to the right is the recipe. Funny thing was that Liam's nursery had a version of this quote on the wall!
Long before going green was the "in" thing, my sister and all of her friends would make homemade baby wipes for each other. Their reasoning was because you knew exactly what was in the wipe when you used it. The only pain the butt thing about this is that I can only make it if I'm at my mom's because I have to use her electric knife to cut the paper towels in half and it's hard to get the roll out of the middle part. I forgot how good it smelt until I made it-mmmm!
In case you are interested, here is the recipe:

Homemade Baby Wipes
• 1/2 roll of paper towels (cut in half to make short rolls)
• 1/8-1/4 c. baby shampoo
• 1/8-1/4 c. baby oil
• 2 cups lukewarm water
• 1 plastic container that the rolls fit in
Cut roll in half and remove center cardboard. In Baby Wipe Container, mix liquid ingredients and place half of roll in container. Place on lid and tip upside down. To use, pull out from center.
So welcome Liam! Hope you enjoy the wipes and I can't wait to watch you grow up.


Julie said...

Interesting. Never knew you could make your own.

lola said...

I just saw this recently on some other blog somewhere.. I wanted to say that I LOVE the painting (vinyl?) on the walls in the room! So cute!

Jennelle said...

That's an awesome idea!!

Jillian said...

that is an awesome gift!!

Meredith said...

That really is a cool gift. Maybe I'll have to try it once we finally run out of wipes that we were gifted!

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

I WISH I was more green!! thank goodness for you people and saving my butt:)

Adie said...

This is brilliant!! I am confused about the cutting and the pulling from the center thing. Sorry I have been so MIA. Miss you BBFF!!

Stephany said...

"The only pain in the butt thing" <-- hehe, I'm giggling at that. Nice play-on words!