Friday, April 1, 2011

Half Training Week 3...

Friday, March 25-Rest Day! Saturday, March 26-Ran a 5k on the treadmill. Sunday, March 27-Ran/walked the 5k with Jen. Ran/walked .6 with Angie and Maggie. Then ran 3.3 on the treadmill. Kind of choppy but I got my 7 miles in that the plan called for. Monday, March 28-Ran 5 miles on the treadmill. Kept is under a 12 minute pace, just wish I could run that fast OFF the t-mill. Tuesday, March 29-Swam 1 mile. Wednesday, March 30-Speed workout. I jogged 10 minutes then did 3 repeats (1 repeat=1 mile as fast as you can)increasing my speed .1 with each repeat. Funny, two weeks ago I had 2 repeats and I couldn't do it. This week I knocked out the 3 repeats no problem! Thursdsay, March 31-Swam another mile. Not only do I want it to warm up so I can run outside but also so my hair doesn't freeze when I walk to my car after swimming. Friday, April 1-Rest day!!! Tomorrow is Mattie's birthday and I got an awesome birthday cake and we're going out to dinner. I'm really excited about it but first I have to get through a 9 mile run tomorrow morning! Wish me luck. Rabbit, rabbit!


Julie said...

You're doing awesome with the training, keep it up!!

Becky said...

No way! Where did you get Rabbit Rabbit? My family has been saying it the first of the month since forever, but I have NEVER known another person to say it!!! You are cool. :)