Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014...

...Today is Mother's Day. Two years ago Mother's Day (May 13) was my due date. Three years ago I didn't know if I'd ever celebrate a Mother's Day as a mother. Today I posted this on my Facebook page:

"For this child I prayed" and God blessed us with the sweetest little girl that has been my greatest blessing. She came after lots of tears, prayers, and treatments, but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

Happy Mother's Day to the moms out there, the mommas to be, the women that treat us like moms, and to the women praying for their greatest blessing. Never give up hope.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengths me."

Three years of Mother's Day

A picture of me with all my kiddos (November 2012)

I also found this post on my infertility blog that puts in numbers everything I went through for the first IVF (doesn't include anything with our FET when I was pregnant with AR). When asked if I would do anything differently in my journey to become a mother, I always answer the same way: absolutely not. And if I had to do everything again in triplicate, hands down I would.

Happy Mother's Day to all women out there. Even if you don't have a "child" you've got furbabies, husbands, relatives, co-workers, etc...that you're taking care of and loving!

1 comment :

Slamdunk said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Alyssa!