Thursday, August 18, 2011

ACAC Triathlon...

...last year, some co-workers and I participated in the ACAC Triathlon. We did pretty awesome and were only beat out by the 5 men's team. Well, we whined and complained enough that this year they had three team divisions: Men's, Women's and Coed. We signed up right away and about 2 weeks out, our runner got benched due to a knee injury. Now not that I'm competitive or anything, I did research as to whether we should find a male or female replace and compete in the female or coed division. I also stalked researched some of my running friend's 5k times to see who we could slip in to pick up where Shelley (our former runner) left off. I asked my Twitter friend, who I'd also met at some Fleet Feet social runs, runkerrierun if she'd want to join the team and she was on board so we were set.

Here is Team Tri Girls II (L to R): Amy-biker (also my boss), me-swimmer, and Kerrie-runner
Usually Matt is the camera guy but he had to work so sorry, no pics of me in a swimsuit (I know you're all thanking him for working right now!). I did my best to snag some pics of the rest of my team. Here's Amy finishing up the bike and tagging Kerrie's hand to run:
Kerrie finishing it up strong for the Tri Girls
There was 7 total female teams (3 hadn't finished yet) but as you can see Tri Girls took first place!!! We beat the second place team by 9 minutes. Our finishing time was 1:36:02(which was 1 second faster than last year). I took 20 seconds off my swim time from last year finishing 300 yards in 4:51, Amy took about 2 minutes off her bike time from last year riding 18.6 miles in 1:08:17 and Kerrie did awesome kicking some asphalt for the team running the 5k in 22:54.
Here we are after the Awards Ceremony with our First Place Trophies.
This will proudly be displayed in our bedroom (until Mattie tells me to do something with it). Guess I better get to swimming so I can keep trying to improve for next year now that we'll have to defend our title.

Great work ladies!!! It was fun and nerve wracking all at the same time, I'm not used to waiting around to see if I placed or not!

1 comment :

Pamela said...

Congratulations! that is some awesome work!!