Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Foto Fun!!!

...oh typical Mattie bunny ears!
The G Family...*shaking head*
Family photo with Grandma...forgot to tell her to put on her jacket and set down her disposable camera...
Matt HATES this picture but it always makes me giggle because I say he's whispering sweet nothings.
And Tom is done...tossing the water bottle down!
Shocker...I'm a little OCD so I had LOTS of list for everyone that had a part in the wedding. Here's Matt reviewing Curt's list with him...
Curt looking over the list ONE MORE TIME!
Happy Friday!!! And FYI-last day of summer camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment :

Julie said...

I had made an official wedding guide to our wedding and gave it to my DOC and my parents to have every single phone number, etc. They thought I was a bit crazy but in the end nothing went wrong because I was prepared! I'm going to post entries soon about the wedding :)