Friday, February 26, 2010

Interesting Waiting Room Call... yesterday I had to go to the girl doctor. I sign in, grab a magazine and sit down. There's myself, a woman about my age with her baby and her mom. After about a minute of flipping through my magazine, in walks a dad and his 17 year-old daughter. First thought, wow, wouldn't it be awkward to go to the girl doctor with your dad? Oh well, back to my they sit down and she gets called back right away. Dad stays in the waiting room and gets on the phone. O.M.G!!! This call was CRAZY!!!

So it's the girl's mom and the dad goes on to tell her about the conversation he had with the girl. Here's the summary...she's 17-years old, might be pregnant, won't go on birth control because she doesn't want to put chemicals in her body, dad text the boyfriend to tell him to threaten to break up with her if she didn't, boyfriend thought dad was threatening him, in dad's terms, "boyfriend is as stupid" as the daughter, the doctor was going to sit down and tell daughter her options then dad had to go tell receptionist that daughter wouldn't have insurance after she turned 18. WOW!?! Seriously, can you believe that??? The three of us just waiting are not making a word and this guy isn't even ATTEMPTING to be quiet. So as though its not awkward enough to have to go to the girl doctor with your dad, imagine how much worse it is when he's telling everyone your business?

OH IT GETS BETTER!!! The daughter comes out and dad, who isn't really trying to be quiet at all, asks what happened. Daughter, who apparently takes after her dad, lets all of us know that she got some sample packs of birth control but there's a chance she's 4 days pregnant so she has to come back and test again next week. Dad and daughter exit. I look at the other ladies waiting and comment, " that we know her whole life story..."and the girl looks at me with huge eyes, "I know, right?" Then her and her mom go into a discussion about how awkward that whole thing was. I swear to you this is exactly what happened, I couldn't make that up!

And this my friends makes me nervous because if/when I have kids, I don't want to be sending Matt to the girl doctor with our 17 year old telling everyone in the waiting room her business...when did the world change so much???


Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

I'm also hung up on the fact that she thought her only alternative to being pregnant was to take birth control pills...heard of condoms??? honestly.

I HATE when people talk about their personal stuff in private. My cubicle neighbor is really bad about it. Once she made an appt. to get a bikini wax on her office phone just as loud as can be. Ick! Take it outside, sister!

d.a.r. said...

OMG gross!!!! Wow, that is seriously information overshare!

I am now absolutely petrified to parent a teenager...

Mrs. Fabulous said...

Ok, that is CRAZY-town!!!

Meredith said...

Wow. Just wow.

A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

ha - yeah condoms. No joke. WOW. that is an awesome story. Your blog is really cute. I love the layout. (-:


Krystie said...

Talk about AWKWARD. I'm the kind of person that would of given nasty looks and then said something smart ass about the dad. Just sayin' ;)

Angie said...

I agree, that is total crazy town. It's just like 16 and pregnant! I just watched that show and it fricken amazes me in a horrid way. This chick had a kid with some dumb ass and then wants to her mom to watch the kid every night so she can go party. And this is our future generation!!!!!!

Jen said...

That's like an episode of 16 and pregnant in a waiting room! Wowza!

Stephany said...

Oversharing JUST A LITTLE? Wow, that dad AND DAUGHTER need a reality check. Newsflash: nobody wants to know your entire life story!

But, hey, at least you got a blog post out of it! ;)

Jill said...

That's the worse day of that girls life... WOW!