Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Impaler Legacy Blog Tour: Author Ioana Visan...

...I'm pleased to announce that my blog is a part of The Impaler Legacy Omnibus Blog Tour! I've read every book in the series and you can read my reviews here: The Impaler's Revenge, A Victory That Counts, and Order Restored. As part of the blog tour, keep reading for my interview with author Ioana Visan, but first here's a little bit about the series:

In a world crawling with vampires, Romania is the safest place left on earth. Thanks to the Little Council, there hasn't been a vampire on Romanian ground in over five centuries, until one day when Liana Cantacuzino is ordered to bring one in, covertly.  

Enter Maximilien Hess, a thousand-year-old vampire determined to ruin the existing order of things. When all is revealed, Hess's secret changes everything, and a reluctant alliance is formed because the alternative is much worse. 

The Impaler Legacy Omnibus, a vampire saga like no other, includes:

The Impaler’s Revenge (novella)

Sweet Surrender (short story)

A Victory that Counts (novella)

Casualties of War (short story)

Order Restored (novella)

The Third Wheel (short story)

Ioana Visan is the author of The Impaler Legacy Omnibus. A big thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Here's a little bit about her:
Award-winning writer Ioana Visan has always dreamed about reaching the stars, but since she can't, she writes about it.

After fighting the apocalypse aftermath in "Human Instincts", she played with shapeshifters in “Blue Moon Café Series: Where Shifters Meet for Drinks”, and then she dealt with vampires in “The Impaler Legacy” series, before tackling longer works like a fantasy trilogy and a science fiction series.

Aside from publishing short stories in various Romanian magazines and anthologies, she published a short story collection "Efectul de nautil" and the Romanian edition of "Human Instincts".

She was awarded the Encouragement Award by The European Science Fiction Society at Eurocon 2013.

First of all, tell me, what has inspired you to write this book? 
Let’s say The Impaler Legacy series is my answer to all of the vampire books out there. Whenever someone mentions vampires, people tend to think of Dracula and Transylvania. Having spent my childhood in Transylvania, I know firsthand there are no vampires there, and they’re not that much featured in our stories either. So I came up with this alternate reality in which Romania is the only vampire-free country left in the world. Unlike the most popular vampire books, The Impaler Legacy is not aimed at a teenage audience, it’s not erotica, and it’s not paranormal romance. If you like politics and action, though, this might be the book for you. 
Could you tell us a bit about your previously published work? 
Before The Impaler Legacy came out, I self-published an apocalyptic novella, Human Instincts, and a paranormal short story collection, Blue Moon Café Series: Where Shifters Meet for Drinks. I also have a short story included in Evolution: Vol. 2, published by Evolved Publishing. My Romanian readers can find my stories in several Romanian magazines and anthologies, and the Romanian edition of Human Instincts and the short story collection Efectul de nautil (The Nautilus Effect) were published by Millennium Books in 2013. 
What genres do you read mostly and what are you reading now? 
I mostly read science fiction and fantasy. At the time I’m writing this, I struggle with Stephen King’s Wolves of Calla. It doesn’t quite work for me, although I’ve enjoyed the previous books in The Dark Tower series. Lois McMaster Bujold is on the list next. 
Tell us about your website. What will readers find there? 
They’ll find announcements regarding new releases, my author bio, a list of books and short stories I’ve published, interviews and articles, and ways to connect with me on social media. Since I’m managing the website myself, it gets a new layout with each new release. 
What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).
I’m working on a novel in the Broken People series. It’s a science fiction novel, dealing with a heist and a very unusual type of circus. 
Do you have any advice for other indie authors? 
As long as they enjoy what they’re doing, they shouldn’t give up. At the end of the day, even if you don’t make it as a best-selling author, you still had fun, and that’s what matters the most. 
Do you plot your novels beforehand or do your stories unfold gradually as you write?
It’s a bit of both. I know what the story is about, the beginning and the end long before I get to the actual writing part. Figuring out the entire journey, it’s where the fun comes in. 
Do you relate to any of your characters or do any of your characters represent anyone in your life? 
It’s funny, but whenever I get asked this question, I can’t help feeling that I might be doing something wrong. Yes, I need to be able to relate to my characters in order to enjoy writing about them, but I never base them on people I know. It doesn’t seem fair somehow, and they wouldn’t fit the part well. My stories are more twisted than real life, I’m afraid. :)
Thanks for your time, Ioana! Be sure to hook up with Ioana to stay posted on her Broken People series.
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